The Meeting (vulgar language... just preparing you)

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"Ron how lovely it is to see you again," I sarcastically say.

"Oh don't feed me that sh*t, you want information so sit your prying a** down!" He pulls out a chair at the table and shoves me down into it.

The waitresses give me worried glances but I ignore them and order some water.

"What would you like sir?" The innocent faced young lady asked him she looks terrified while doing so.

"Nothing," he spits at her and continues, " I won't be here much longer anyways!" Ron growls and cuts into me with his eyes.

She walks away and I can see them in the kitchen pointing and staring at us.

"Keep quiet, they seem to know somethings up." He hisses at me.

I sit on my hands to steady their shaking.

"I want to know... I want to know what you did to Patrick."

I'm scared of what the answer may be. This is the very man who beats my mother and makes me and my sister tremble with fear. This is the man who kicked my dog til it coughed up blood. This is the very same man who held a knife to my boyfriends neck all because he heard that he'd told me he loves me.

One word to explain Ron Pyscho.

"Nothing I did nothing to that pathetic boy!" He gets up and chunks his chair. A girl screams when it lands next to her. He looks deep into my eyes. Just before charging out he yells to me.


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