i closed my locker, turning around to go to the eating area outside when i saw one of the twins from yesterday in front of me. "oh hey, braden?" i ask.

"no, it's brett." he says. "oh, what're you doing here?" i ask. "i go here silly. i just came to get something from my locker for lunch. guess god blessed me with some more eye candy." he smirks.

he's so flirty, it amazes me. "oh, well i should go." i try walking around him when he steps in front of me. "i'm having a party tonight. you should come." he suggests.

"the last time i went to a party. i broke my wrist." i laugh. "really? even better!" he says. i chuckle, not knowing what to respond with.

"it'll be fun. and you can wear something cute. like right now." he mutters the last part. "oh this. this isn't anything." i shrug.

i was wearing ripped boyfriend jeans, a white thrasher shirt and my white slide on vans. "then i can't wait to see sexy." he raises his eyes.

he walks away as i stand there laughing to myself. "what're you laughing about?" i hear behind me. i turn around to see wes with a confused look.

"oh hey babe. just brett. hayes told me he didn't know him or his brother." i say. "they're friends with sean. known each other since 5th grade." he replies.

"i had no clue. anyways, it's nothing. just some party he invited me to tonight." i shrug. "are you going?" he asks. "probably not." i say.

"that's great!" he says. "hayes told me how you got when we first met them. jealous again?" i joke. "i can't help it. you're mine." he hugs me as we walk to the courtyard. "and you're mine." i say.

after school beeches 🏖

i was at the counter in our kitchen, working on an essay for english on my computer when hayes came in with the twins from school.

i was barely wearing anything. just one of nash's oversized sweater and shorts. it looked like i had nothing on for the lower half of my body.

i immediately felt a little uncomfortable but didn't really do anything about it. "oh hey claire." brett makes his way over and leans against the counter looking as i work.

"brett leave her alone." braden says. "yeah yeah, she has a boyfriend." brett rolls his eyes as he stands straight, now sitting next to me.

"wanna come with us claire?" hayes munches on a left over piece of pizza. "where?" i ask. "to our house. he's gonna help us set up the party." braden says.

"i would but i have to do this." i shrug. "you can do that later. you don't have to stay long." brett says. i sigh, closing my laptop.

"does that mean you're coming?" brett asks as a smile forms on his face. i nod my head and he claps his hands together making me laugh.

"i'm just gonna go change first." i get off the stool, standing up. "no, you look good like that." brett smiles. "no thanks." i mock and head up to my room.

i go with a strapless black flowy mini dress with a little skin exposing in the middle. i wore a choker and some rings along with pearl earrings.

i decided to do my make up nicely and did a grayish eyeshadow and mascara, adding lipstick. for shoes, i went with thigh high black boots.

i wore my hair up in a pony tail and i walked down the stairs slowly since i didn't really trust the stairs when it came to heels.

i walked into the kitchen where the guys were talking. the sound of my heels brought their attention to me and the twins' jaws dropped.

especially brett's. "if only you weren't taken." brett says. "i honestly didn't think you'd go all out. but you proved me wrong." he looks me up and down, biting his lower lip. "ok, well let's go then." hayes clears his throat.

their house 🤩

"nice house." hayes says as we walk into their house. "thanks. our parents are out of town. our older sister is in college so the house is all ours." brett says.

"it was all his idea. if we get caught, you're taking the fall." braden says. "yeah whatever." brett rolls his eyes. "claire, you can lay out the snacks." braden says. i nod my head going into the kitchen.

there's family sized bags of cheetos, doritos, talkis etc. there's soda and water and something else too. i look closer to see what it is and my eyes widen.

i pick it up scared and was about to take it to the living room when brett came in. "what're you doing with that?" he whispers.

"oh, you want some. ok, just make sure hayes and braden don't see." he smirks grabbing a red solo cup. "no! i found it. is this yours?" i say.

"keep your voice down babe." he grabs the bottle from me, putting it away in the cabinet. "don't babe me. we are not dating. i'm telling your brother." i say.

"no! ok i'm really sorry i've been acting all douchey. but it's because you and hayes are kinda popular around school." he shrugs.

"no we are not. where'd you get that from?" i ask. "well, i mean your brothers are famous and you're freakishly gorgeous and all the guys at school seem to think that too." he explains.

"that's stupid. you don't need to be popular to fit in. you just have to have friends that you joke and have fun with." i shrug.

"yeah i guess so. you're still freakishly gorgeous. even if you don't think it. i can see what sean sees in you. at least face wise." he says.

"wait what?" i ask. "umm, braden's calling me." he laughs nervously before skidding off. and again, i'm confused and start thinking about what brett could have meant by what he said.

party time beeches 🤪

"let's take a picture claire." brett says. i agree and he hands my phone to sean who got here an hour ago. "say cheese." sean says as the flash appears, blinding the hell out of me.

he hands me back my phone and he looks over my shoulder as i post it to instagram.

4 people tagged 599 likes claireg: my new bestie boo 😚

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4 people tagged
claireg: my new bestie boo 😚. sorry charlie 💞
brettdouglas: we some hotties
bradendouglas: why wasn't i informed about this picture ??
brettdouglas: ^ cause u suck ass
bradendouglas: and you swallow. bam!
charliemaxxwell: jealous. 🤩
callie.pollard: oooooooh. 🤩🤩
tylerbanks21: why wasn't i aware of this party ???
claireg: cause u don't know them ty ^
tylerbanks21: true. but i don't care.

i have this power point presentation due tomorrow and i don't even have anything done. crap !!!
- ash 😭

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