II (2)

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Adonis was shocked. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say. He just stood there, staring at this stranger who just told him she was his twin sister. Adonis was freaking out; he had to get out of here. He turned and ran, bolting for his dorm and slamming the door shut and clicked the lock. He stood there, back against the door, hyperventilating. Eric, who was now out of bed and entirely dressed, was standing not two feet away, staring at him. Allowing him to have his moment before he spoke. "I see you met her."

"You knew?!" Adonis said, still out of breath from the panicking and run. Yes, he can run if he must. That doesn't mean he was good at it. "What is going on?!"

"Aphroditus, calm down. Everything will be fine," Eric said, using his birth name for the first time since they first met, and he told him he goes by Adonis.

"I need to call my mom. How could she not tell me I had a twin?!" Adonis said, running to the bedside table where he had placed his cellphone down when he came in from outside. The phone rang only twice before his mother answered. "Mom?!"

"Yes, sweetie?" His mother asked. Adonis could read people very well, very well. He could catch any emotion in just a few short words, and by the sounds of it; his mom knew something.

"You know..." Adonis said, not being able to move from pure shock. "You know everything."

"Wha- You met her didn't you," Penelope said, her voice showing real emotion and understanding. "Oh, sweetheart."

"Yeah, I met her. My twin sister. The very twin sister that you kept me from knowing. I would have loved a sister mom. Maybe I wouldn't have been picked out on so much for how I looked if I would have had someone else with the same looks-" Adonis said, realizing what just came out of his mouth. "Not saying that you're not beautiful, Mom."

"No no, I know what you mean, baby," his mom said, her sweet voice calming him down. "Look, I'm going to come up and then we will all explain everything to you."

"Mom, it's like a 10-hour drive here," Adonis said, scared that he'll have to deal with all this alone.

"No sweetheart. I'm already here," she said. There was a honk outside, and a fraction of a second later he heard it over the phone. He went to the window and looked out at the rainy parking lot, and sure enough, there was his mom's car.

"How..." He said, "how did you know that you needed to come?"

"Your mother told me," she said, making Adonis even more confused. As if she can hear the confusion, she made a little tiny chuckle noise and said, "I'll explain when I get up."

Adonis hung up and turned around, facing Eric. "What. Is going on."

"Stop freaking out; it'll be ok. Everything will turn out how it is supposed to," he said, starting to clean up the place; grabbing Adonis' wet clothes and throwing them in their little bathroom they shared with the dorm next to them but luckily had no one living in it. Otherwise, that wouldn't go over so well.

"Seriously how could can you be so cool about this?" Adonis asked, watching him clean. There was a knock on the door, and he ran to it. As soon as Adonis opened the door, he regretted it. There, standing in the doorway, was his mom and her. She said her name was Aphrodite, which made Adonis think it was some joke.

"Yes, come in," Eric said, looking at Adonis with annoyance because he was standing there, staring at the two ladies in the doorway, not inviting them in. Adonis stepped aside, and Penelope and Aphrodite stepped into the dorm room. "Hello, Penelope."

The Aphrodite Twins - Alternate VersionWhere stories live. Discover now