|Shot 84| • You're All I Got I • |Jyatt|

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sorry! I'm fine, just tired I guess" he explained, but I saw right through his lie.

Something was wrong. He just wasn't telling me. But I didn't want to pry. I was happy spending time with him now. I wanted to make him smile.

"Don't go sleeping on me yet, Has Jae!" I laughed and grabbed him in a headlock.

He giggled as he tried to wiggle out of my grasp. The ride suddenly stopped and I helped Jaeden climb out of the car. I ruffled his hair and we walked back to the Losers.

Eventually, it was getting late so I decided to take Jaeden home.

"Goodnight, guys" Finn smiled.

"Goodnight, Finn"

I wrapped an arm around Jaeden and together we walked home. We stopped in front of his house and I stood there awkwardly, hands shoved in my skinny jeans.

"Well, I had fun tonight, Jaeden" I smirked.

"Me too" he smiled weakly.

"Hey, Jaeden, I-" I started, but cut myself off.

He stood patiently awaiting for my lips to move, for me to speak. He gazed into my eyes with his twinkling emerald ones. I sighed and smiled before leaning down and kissing his cheek.

"Goodnight, Jae"

Before I could walk away, he threw himself into my arms and hugged me tight. I hugged back securely, despite my confusion.

"Goodnight, Wy" he whispered into my chest, then turned away and ran inside his house, closing the door behind him.

I sighed and walked home, kicking rocks the entire way as I shoved my hands in my pockets.


The next day Finn invited the Losers to his house for a party. Again, Jaeden was distant. He barely spoke to any of the Losers. I scooted next to him and whispered in his ear.

"Jae, are you alright?" I asked gently.

"I'm fine" he lied.

"Jaeden," I smiled, "I know you. I know your heart. I know when you're hurt. I know when you're lying to me. You don't have to hide from me. What's wrong?"

He searched my eyes desperately as his own glistened with tears. I wiped them away.

"I...I'm moving, Wy" he said quietly.

My eyes widened in disbelief. Moving? No, no no not my Jaeden. I can't lose my Jae.

"You're what?" I whispered taken aback.

"Guys, I'm moving" Jaeden sobbed.

It was overwhelming. As Jaeden talked to the other Losers their voices became faint, echoes in the background of my sobs.

"How soon?" Sophia queried.

"I leave today" Jaeden answered mournfully.

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