Chapter one: "I have a talking cat called Saedy!"

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Chapter one: "I have a talking cat called Saedy!"

Asterias POV

"Did you hear the news yesterday?" Lilly asked comeing through my bedroom window.

"No what news?" I frowned, not knowing what she was on about.

"Jessica, that nice bakery owner, got murdered by some self proclaimed villain called 'invisible mystery." She frowned looking deeply upset.

"Invisible mystery, so original." I snorted.

"I know right, what a stupid name." She cracked a smile. "You know George is saying you have a unlady like laugh." She giggled pointing to George.

"Tell him to stop being a prick." I smirked.

If your wondering who we are talking about. We are talking about George, Lilys pet cactus. Before you say it no we are not crazy, Lily has plant powers; she can manipulate plants, talk to them and they also help heal her. She is constanly laughing and chatting with him.

She has bright red hair and emerald green eyes. Her superhero name is Zana. I once made a mistake and joked about her looking like Poison Ivy and told her that her super suit should be same to Poison Ivys. She took that joke too seriously and the next day her super suit consistered in a green leotard, with ivy all over it, and green spandex leggings.

If you are wondering if I am a human, I am not. I have super powers but i dont use them often. I dont want to be a super hero or villain. I want a normal life. Plus theres too many heros anyways and one so called 'villain'.

"Astra, you zoned out again." Lily called out through the kitchen.

"Sorry." I called back. Suddenly nausea swept over my body and i began to feel sick. Every super has this feeling when someones in trouble.

"Sorry Astra, someone is in danger, ill be back tommrow. I swear to god, if Mckalahs dog got off its leash...again. Stupid animal and their apparently one of the  'superior animals'." She snorted.

"Are they hell. We all know felines are." Saedy, my cat purrs.

"We know we know, anyways its getting late im going to go bed night." I wave out my bedroom window.

After putting George the cactus on the kitchen window, i got in bed. I flicked my lamp off and heard a groan. "Oh come on i only ate half hour ago." I i said out loud. Then i could heard someone else's thought.

"Is she seriously that dumb." A deep masculine sound was made.

" Im not because i know your here, stupid." I snorted. I know so child like but hey im tired.

"Im not stupid." Came a rough voice, it sounded like he was in pain.  I flicked my lamp back on and stared around my room.


Nothing was out of place. But i could still hear the thoughts, following the noises, I stared at a spot the was most strongest." I know your there, just reveal yourself and i can help you." I said in an annoyed but soft voice.

Suddenly a man in a matte black and gold spandex suit popped visible where i was staring. Down his leg was blood gushing. His finger looked in a horrible position too. "Sit on my bed, i will be right back." I smiled.

I returned back with a needle, string, antiseptic spray and some tape. "What the fuck is she ganna do wth them and how the fuck did she know i was here and needed help?" I invaded his thoughts.

"I need to clean an dstitch up your leg and then  i will need to pop your finger in place and set it." I smiled as i started to get to work.

After half an hour i had finished, it took so long because he kept figiting. He stood up and went to my window. "Not even a thankyou? You know a lovely lady doesn't just stitch up a gash and fix a broken finger for anyone." I asked sarcasm dripping from every word but with a innocent smile on my face.

"Yeah thanks... um whats your name?" He mumbled.

"Asteria but my friends call me Astra, whats yours?" I smiled.

"Invisible mystery and we arn't friends and won't ever be Asteria." With that he jumped out my window. Gasping, I ran to see if he was splattered on the floor, but nope he was laughing hovering below my window.
I was in Physics, Monday had finally rolled around. I can't seem to get the Invisible Mystery out of my head though. Why did he come to my house? Why was I foolish enough to use my telepathy and let him know? Why was he hurt?

Trying to distract my self, I started listening to peoples thoughs. Jeremy, the class clown, was thinking about Jake the jock. I quickly moved on to a different person not wanting to know his 'fantasys' he has.

Ahh, Jannet the smartest person in this class. "I dont see why im even in this class, it's obvious that some people should be held back a year." Damn Jannet, your usually nice, I wonder who pissed in your cherios.

"Astra stop it, its invading their privacy." Lily scolded.

Just then Xander walked into the class room... earlie?

"Quick, he is never earlie, listen to his thoughts." Lily quickly whispered.

Ignoring her earlier warning, I 'invaded' his privicy. "She was beautiful, why was she so nice to me? All iv done is be a dick to her. I dont understand girls." Just then he stopped thinking.

Xander was the 'bad boy' he only started last year and quickly took the title. he's a player, a fuck boy. How do i know that, you ask? Well we had a fling when he first came here. He was breathtakinly sweet but it was all an act. I was his first victim, his first bet to fall in love with him. Who couldn't, he has dark blue eyes and deep black hair. He is broad and you an tell he works out a lot. He was gorgeous and still is. I thought I oved him but I didnt, I just desired him.

I quickly told Lily and then I felt a shiver run across my spine. Flickering my eyes towards the front, I saw Xander and his friends staring at me. His eyes were the colour of a newly bloomed bluebell from the valley, enchanting, delicate but then at the same time it was icy and chilled my bones. I felt frozen. My blood turned cold.

Suddenly i was poked. One, two, three times. "Pshhh, Astra. Stop staring. You need to pass this class." Lily whispered.

"Im all ready passing idiot." I cracked a smile.

"I meen you need to know the home work, so I can copy yours." She smiled innocently.

"Fine" with that I started half listening and half doodling people with there heads on the floor, decaputated and people running with dynamite in their hands. I noticed Lily shake her head. What did I do wrong?

"Why is she so violent, im so glad she only has one power. She would proberly be a villain if not." Wow as if Lily would think that of me.

"Do your own homework." I whispered to her, I then packed my stuff and left with out a second thought.

I teleported up to the roof of my school and sat on the edge. This was my favourite place to think and relax. This is why I never told Lily I have more then telepathy powers. I can Shoot energy beams , manipulating light and shadows, teleport anywhere I want, go Invisible heal quickly and obviously read minds, I can also comunicate with them in their heads and put ideas in their heads too.

I am a class A super. A 'class A' super is when you have more then four abilitys.  I have more powers then her, I know right from wrong and im not some little girl. I can make up my own mind. 

Im independent and hard working.

My parents was the most famous heros known to man.

And U have a talking cat called Saedy!

Hero? Or villain?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ