Chapter 28: Peeping Jackson

Start from the beginning

"Answer my question," I said impatiently, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him as I awaited his answer. Leto growled loudly, causing Jackson to throw his hands up in surrender.

"Calm down!" he wheezed, taking a step back. "I'm here because I followed you."

"Why?" I demanded, narrowing my eyes. "You're not involved in this."

"Look, I'm not here because I want to stir up issues okay?" he said, his eyes locking with mine. My throat had a lump of nervousness when he met my eyes, and for some reason I felt weak in the knees. Bad Faye.

"Then please enlighten us why you are," I growled, annoyed now. I was mainly annoyed with the way Jackson had me feeling just by looking at me in the eyes. It confused me more than anything.

"I followed you because I wanted to come with you on this quest of yours," Jackson explained quickly. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to be out here and in the skies alone, alright?"

I stared at him for a few long moments, letting my fingers curl themselves in my messy blonde hair. I began to pace, feeling two pairs of eyes watching me as I did. "Look, I'm sorry I-" Jackson started, but I cut him off by holding my hand up.

I moved my hand then to my nose, pinching it and taking a deep breath. "You," I drawled out with a groan, "are an idiot. A big one."

His face fell for a moment, and he sighed. "I'm sorry, alright? I just didn't like the idea of you going alone."

Leto snapped her jaws and growled, reminding Jackson of her presence.

Jackson shot the white dragon an annoyed, yet fearful look. "I know she has you, but what if you got separated? What if you were outnumbered or ambushed? What then?"

The two had a stare down for a long while, but I finally intervened. "Okay, say something does happen. What can you do?"

Leto snorted in agreement with my question, looking smug. "Yes," she spoke for the first time. "Do tell us."

Jackson gave me an 'are you kidding me' look and spread his hands. "Um, I'm a warlock? Magic? Powers?" He raised his eyebrows at Leto, who glared at him. "Ring a bell, Miss Dragon?"

Leto snarled and stepped forward but I stopped her. "Will you stop pissing my dragon off?" I snapped, my hand resting on Leto's chest. Her heartbeat was racing in anticipation, her body waiting for me to allow her to attack Jackson. "Seriously, she's really wanting to rip your head off."

Jackson trailed his eyes up to Leto's face, which was twisted with hate towards him. "Hmm..That look on your face really is ugly," he mused. I stared at him like he was crazy. It seemed he was trying to get his head ripped off. "It might stay there forever."

Leto flapped her wings and roared at Jackson, her tail whipping closer to him. Her ice blue eyes bellowed with flames, and if I wasn't careful she'd lose her temper completely and ignore my orders not to attack him.

"Jackson!" I snarled coldly, my hand still on Leto's chest. "I suggest you shut up before I do let her kill you."

He looked at me innocently. "Awe, you'd feed your future husband to your dragon? I'm hurt."

I told Leto to stay where she was, then stormed up to Jackson and pulled my fist back. Suddenly, it lashed forward and slammed straight into his jaw. He stumbled back, his hand immediately going to where I punched him. His face lit with shock he stared at me.

"I want you to go back," I spat. "And stay there, and not say anything to anyone. Got it?"

He blinked a few times before recovering and smirking at me, removing his hand from the spot where I punched him. It was already turning bright red, and would probably be bruised purple by tomorrow morning.

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