Who is he?

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Copyright © 2010 by Wily E. Coyote
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You're Mine


He rose among us, as where we lay..

The strenght of thousand men..

Once he was a men..

But first, on earth as vampire

Thy corse shall from its tomb be

Then ghastly haunt thy native place,

And suck the blood of all thy race...


His Hair is white as snow

His Fangs are sharp as knife

His eyes shine like silver, when it gaze on you makes you shiver..


His sunken cheek bones, his perfectly sculpted jawline, his luscious cold lips, his dazzling smile, his soft velvety voice singing through your ears, but beware.. it's a TRAP.


He's a looks like a teen..

He's pale..

He can read minds..

He doesn't give second chances..

He drinks blood..

He moves in unnatural speed..

He can suck you dry.. (no perv)

He is the son of the king and queens..

He is the Prince..

He was feared

He was born with a strength of a thousand men

He was born to kill..

He is....... Xavier


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Ok guys I don't know what I just did in the poems but anywho..
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And check out my book called
You're mine

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