Most Beautiful Rare Mundane you'll ever meet

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(School uniform)

I look alive I'm dead inside
My heart has holes
Where black blood Flows



1 months later

The school is fine, the first day of school is probably the worst, I got into fight with the 'queen bee', I got imprinted by a wolf and also, I got saved by a silvered eye virtue,it was pretty great he was the man to die for!

But I still don't know his name, I've been in the academy for nearly a month, but I never got the chance to ask his name, if I would stare at him he would just stare back not talking, he's weird








I went back to sleep
But someone bolted through the door

"Maggy wake u-" my dad stopped and looked at the alarm clock
"Maggy that's your 5th alarm clock, you broke it again" he said
Ok I might have did broke a couple of alarm clocks, who ever made that machine is a genius but  stupid at the same time, like that is the most annoying thing in world!

"Get up it's time to go to school"
He said pulling my covers, which it made me shiver, I want to be warm,

"Cold!" I squeal trying to pull my covers up, come on dad be nice and let me sleep

"That's it" he said in a calm tone which means I  need to get up emediently, cuz when he is talking in a 'calm tone', you know his no way in calm, I sit up from the edge of my bed only to see my dad holding a bucket of water.

"Woaw dad! Don't!" I said while slowly standing, my dad acts like a youngster, he would always scare or prank me in the morning holding a bucket of Cold water, if not water then shaving cream on my hand and he tickles my nose the I would slapped myself with a shaving cream, yep that's my dad.

"Ok, get up and get ready for school" he said putting the bucket down, I slowly nodded and give him a 'your crazy' look on my face
He smirked and gesture the bucket towards me, I flinch and put my hands up

"Dad no!" I pleaded, but the water never came, my dad just busted his ass out by laughing,

"Ugh dad I hate you" I groan walking towards the bathroom and slamming the door

"Love you to honey breakfast is downstairs" he said, I can hear the footsteps fading, and I did my routine, I still can't believe we need to wear uniform but it's not that bad, it's not that baggy, it fits like a glove to me, which is weird cuz they never measured my body, they just handed me the uniform and shizam! It fits Perfectly.

I went downstairs eat my breakfast and drink my milk

"Dad let's go" I said standing up grabbing my bag
"No somebody's waiting for you outside" dad said he smirked,
I looked at him in confused and peek through the window outside, my eyes widen, I saw Tyler leaning beside the door of his car.

"Dad what is he doing here?" I asks he looked up and smiled
"He told me that he imprinted you and he wants to protect you" he said, why is he not angry?

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