Her and Stormy's fights were legendary. And I don't know if the neighborhood would get any worse than it is right now without Madame's productions. But I ain't gone lie, she did know how to put on a show. I always had her produce our dance recitals. During one of Madame productions was the only time there is nothing but standing room here at the center. Everybody in the neighborhood came, from the thugs to the choir and everybody in between.

Although, we didn't make much revenue from any of our productions, cause most people around here couldn't afford to pay more than a few dollars for a ticket.

"Little girl I know you hear me speaking to you." She spoke while applying a layer of lipstick on her lips. When she was done, she turned around to look at me.

"I just need to borrow a few items." I told her.

"I can see that. But what could you possibly need in the costume closet?"

"This," I said holding up a white doctor's coat. She frowned, standing from her table.

"Okay ladies go ahead and put on your make up, applying the technique I just showed you." When all the girls were settled down in front of the mirrors she came into the closet with me.

"And just why do you need that?" she asked picking up one of my long locs twirling it between her fingers. "I know how that little clever mind of yours work Sweet Tart, and you're up to something." She droned. I shook my head at her nick name for me. She had been calling me that sense I was Eve's age.

"Well, I need to convince a few people I'm a doctor." Her eyes brighten.

"Really?" She clapped her hands together. "Well sit down child, and let Madame Queen do her thing." Okay, on a side note. Yes, Madame is and older women, she's just a few years younger than my Nana, but she is the wrong one to go to, if you want to be talked out of doing something extremely dangerous and foolish. Madame lived for adventure, even in her old age.

An hour later she was looking at me pleased with her work.

"Now for one last step." She put a named tag on me that read, Dr. Mitchell.

"Okay let me hear you introduce yourself." She was in full trainer mode now. I cleared my throat.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Rachel Mitchell," I spoke with all the flare Madame had taught me. The smile left her face, she smacked at my hand with her fan.

"No! Absolutely not." After an overdone eye roll she continued. "Remember most doctors have a confidence that only recently came in their adult years, before that they were probably very insecure. I should hear that in you tone. Not the confidence of Monica who has been bold and beautiful her whole life. Again, Sweet Tart, but this time convince me." I nodded, she was right. I cleared my throat and tried again.

"Hi," I used my finger to push my Nana glasses up further on my nose. "My, name is Rachel Mitchell... Dr. Rachel Mitchell." Madame's face brightened and she clapped her hands together.

"Yeeeeessss, Child! Yes!" I hugged her, and hurried out the center before Stormy caught me. That's the last thing I needed right now. I had looked up the real-estate company that owned Kaleb's building. And put the address in my phone GPS. I was surprised to see that their office was located Down Town. Wow! This drug dealer was living the life, while people like my Nana and Me, upstanding hard working people could barely afford to eat.

I smiled as I pulled the Land Rover into a garage that charged ten dollars for the first fifteen minutes before charging a dollar each minute after. I shook my head. Chicago was ridiculous!

I wasn't worried though, what I had to do should only take a few minutes.

After walking into the busy high rise, I found a directory. The name of the real-estate company was 7th Oasis, and they were located on the 7th floor.

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