2. I was what?!

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*Kate's pov*
After the final bell goes I rush to my locker and then start walking home without saying goodbye to anyone. I figure out the quickest way to get home by using google maps and basically run. Once I get to my house I open the door and go to find my mum.

Kate- mum I'm home!
Mum- yep, coming
Kate- so, what's the big news?
Mum- come sit down please
Kate- ok why?
Mum- just sit. So, I have a big secret to tell you.
Kate- is it good or bad?
Mum- I'm just going to say it, so.... you were adopted, you were born in America and then your mum brought you here to a foster centre and then when you were 5 months old we adopted you and cared for you like our own. We know who your real mother is but when we adopted you she said never to tell you who she was. I'm really sorry Kate.
Kate- I was what?! are you actually serious like is this a joke? I'm freaking adopted!! Why are you telling me now!! What about my brother is he adopted??
Mum- your brother isn't adopted...
Kate- ok.. why are you telling me now though?!!!
Mum- ahh well... your birth mum has come to take you back she feels like she can look after you now.
Kate- where is she??!!
Mum- come out Anna..
Anna- hey Kate...

*Anna's pov*
Flying back to Australia.. to get my little girl, last time I was on this flight I was holding a 5 month old baby taking her away to a new home. It was all because I was selfish, my boyfriend said that if I didn't get rid of it then he would leave... so I took the baby to Australia hoping that I would eventually come back and here I am, 12 years later.

I decide to post on instagram a picture that I just took of the clouds and put the caption "can't wait to see my little weirdos down under in Melbourne!." I really hope Kate wants to come back with me.

The plane finally lands and I get off while the cameras are flashing and people are shouting things at me. I rush to my car and my driver knows where to go.

I finally arrive at the house and knock on the door.

Kristy(mum)- Anna?
Anna- hey... I came back
Kristy- wow I never expected to see you back here
Anna- neither did I but I'm here now
Kristy- come inside
Anna- ok
Kristy- so what made you come back?
Anna- my girlfriend asked if we wanted children
Kristy- oh
Anna- I would like to take Kate back or if she doesn't want to at least see her
Kristy- ok
*knock on the door*
Kristy- quickly go hide in there
Kate- mum, I'm home!
*they all talk*
Anna- hey Kate...

This was a longer chapter for me to write do you prefer it?

Adopted by Anna Kendrick Where stories live. Discover now