Chapter 1

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That annoying ringing noise that is called Satans deviece ,a.k.a the alarm clock, rang through my room. With a quiet hard bang resulting it on falling on the floor it shut up.I lay in bed for about five minutes savouring the warmth, before going against my lazy side and get up. I walk down the hall to the bathroom, trying to get there before my brother does,which today happens to be a success.I look at myself in the large mirror above the sink, seeing what other people would think, a gremlin. I try to tame my wild hair with my fingers just a small bit.When i have finished in the bathroom i make my way back to my room to get changed.I pick out a nice pair if light blue skinny jeans with a few skinny jeans on the thigh area, an orange striped tank top, a denim shirt and to top it all off my sandals.Once finished i apply some of my much neaded make up. I put on my foundation, add compact powder with a few strokes of blush.I carefully put on my mascara and i am complete. With that i grab my bag that was left in the corner and go down to the kitchen, seeing my mother and my brother snd sister, Colten and Cristine. They are twins and just turned thirteen.I know that twins are supposed to look alike but Colten and Caitlin kinda break that rule. They do have their similarities, by God they do, For example they both have the same piercing blue eyes and the same colour hair, just nearly eerything else is the different.

"Good morning Skylar" my mother greets me setting down a pot of tea on the table. I grab a piece of toat while replying with "good morning mum, how are you?".

"i am quiet alright hun, did you sleep well ?" she asks while grabbing her keys. "okay so im off, twins ye know that the bus will be outside in about five minutes so get yer ass out there now" she says while practically dragging them off their chair earning a few annoyed grunts off the two.

"goodbye Sky,love you. Oh and remember i wont be home until late tonight and the twins are both gone to one of their friends house for the night because apparently the school is closed for them tomorrow because a teacher slipped and hurt her back, like how rediculous,But ya be careful and i left some money for you and Brad okay ? goodbye and tell Brad i love him too" she shouts the last bit while she closes the door. I sit at the table scrolling through my phone untill i hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hello my darling sister" my older brother Brad says in a posh accent. I couldnt help but laugh, for the fact that we are the most unposhest people you ever meet. As we are Irish. My mother is Irish and met father at a pub in London and i suppose thats where it started. They lived in Ireland for twenty years and during that time Brad, myself,Colten and Cristine were born.My mum moved to London after her and father split. Her excuse was "your father gets our house in ireland" and "it will be good for us". I cant help but agree with her because personally myself i think we all are alot better ever since we moved away from father, and i wouldnt of met the people that i call friends if we didnt move. Brad was fiveteen when we moved and i was thirteen when we moved.Not to mention the accent attracts a few people.

Brad gobbles down a piece of toast and grabs his laptop bag before looking at me."Ready?" he asked. With a nod he drives me to my school.Brad is nineteen so he is in college but thats okay because it just so happens the college is only a half an hour drive from my school so its not so bad. Once he pulls up to my school i immediately feel like going int a whole and dieing because i am about to enter Satans layer. Also known as school. I leave out a grunt earning a chuckle from Brad.

"okay get out your smelling my car" he jokes.I fell him reaching over and kissing my forehead. " bye love you" i say getting out of the car. "love you too" he wabes off before speeding out of the school grounds.School.I dont mind school really, its just the lessons and classes and teachers like its like they are here to torture us,I make my way to my locker to see my best friend Lexi leaning up against it with a boy i have never seen before beside her practically drooling over her.Let me just try to explain Lexi. This girl is what most guys around here say as 'hot'.She is absolutely crazy but i mean she never shows it to the outside world. She has possible the biggest attitude in the whole of the United Kingdom and will not take any shit from no one.Lexi's father is the towns top police officer yet she goes to illegal car races and goes to parties none stop. but i suppose if she did get caught her dad could get her out of trouble so she uses that to her advantage.And to make it better, she is also Irish. I remember the first time she came to the school. She held her head high and hadn't a care in the world and i think thats what people liked about her. Herself, her brother and her mum lived in Ireland while her dad worked over here for the police so then they just decided to move over. Her accent would be a lot stronger than mine as i have been her for four years and she has been here for two. I dont know really what else to say besides she is very flirty, as in she can get any boy she wants. But when someone pisses her off, she has no problem in telling them straight and starting a fight. Thats usually why i am there. I go to those drag races with her sometimes just to support her  brother and i do go drink and stuff with her but i am not even half as bad as her, and i dont start fights with people.I prefer to keep those things to myself and not be a bitch to people.

Once she sees me she turns to the boy whispering something in his ear, witha wink he smiles and leaves.

"Next victim ?"I ask her opening my locker.She laughs and replies "nah just leading that lad on".

"You are looking fabulous as always"she says looking me up and down."you are looking quite dashing yourself" i say in a posh accent."Thank you darling"she replies laughing.We make our way to the first class, geography.The hallways are filled with complete idiots, as always.Once we get inside and got seated at the back corner,everyone starts to pile in. "Are you coming tonight ?" Lexia asks me. "where ?" i ask not having a clue what she is on about. "to the race you idiot, Luke is racing and i think Brad is doing something on the side at the pitstop for him so he would be there too"She explains. Luke is her also nineteen year old brother. He just so happens to be Brad's best mate too which was weird because me and Lexi are best friends too and the same age and from Ireland. "Maybe" i reply."Aw c'monnnn" she whines.

"Miss Collins would you like to tell the whole class what you and Miss O'Brian were talking about ?" our teacher Mr.McDonald asks.Lexi leans back in her seat replying with " well sir, i dont think that is your bussiness if you ask me". Shit Lexi, shut up. She earns a few 'ooo's' from the class.

"Well Miss Collins i think it is as it was in my geography class"he replies.I look at Lexi trying to catch her eye contact to tell her not to say anything innapropriate.

"Well if you actually thought us about the world and not focusing on what me and Miss O'Brian have to say the whole class would get alot better marks in their exams sir" she says smuggly looking him right in the eye.He slouches giving Lexi the indication she won.

"Just stop talking please" He points an accusing finger at both of us.Lexi takes her hand to her mouth seeling and locking her lips to piss him off.She turns and looks at me again.

"So, about this race"

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