A Lost Soul

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Dull black eyes
That only carry tears and sad memories
Very few times did they sparkle
But it never lasted long
She wishes for it to be different
All reality does is give her the exact opposite

Will these feelings ever go away?
Will she ever be the same?
Only time will tell if she chooses to stay this way

She not only disappointed herself, but the ones she loves
She regrets all the scars she made
She fears she can't be saved

She's a lost soul
But she will be found
For every lost soul will find each other

This poem was about me, but it's dedicated to the ones who are dealing with hard times. Also, if you guys like the poems I wrote, I have some original songs that I wrote, too. Let me know if you guys want me to write down my songs on here as well. Please don't plagiarize my songs either. If you want, you guys can follow my Instagram @im_just_a_lost_little_soul

Love you guys, bye ✌

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