~When Were 19~

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I sit in Sam's beanbag chair and smoke my vape while he watches YouTube. As I'm sitting I hear my phone go off, it was Shea.

Wanna hang out later today I miss you.
Shit! I totally forgot that I had a girlfriend. I hold my head in my hands and look at my phone, I start questioning what kiss I liked more, hers or Sam's. I really like Shea, but I liked Sam's kiss better. I hated saying that, it just sounds weird. My eyes start to water, I cry quietly. "Colby what's wrong?" Sam asks, "nothing." I say.
Shea...I'm sorry but, I'm gay. I know we just started dating but I didn't know how else to tell you, I'm really sorry.

Ok, it's fine.

Ok good I never want to hurt you.

Hey, at least you told me the truth instead of staying with me.

True, bye.


I look up from my phone and see sam looking down at the bed, he looked sad. "Hey Sam you ok?" I say, he looks up at me. "Nothings wrong, but....can we just stay friends for now, I don't wanna make anything weird between us." Sam says, I smile at him. "Of course, but you still wanna cuddle at night?" I ask, I liked his cuddles, he was warm and I loved how he curls up underneath my arm. "Yeah, I like cuddling with you." He says, I smile and sit next to him on the bed. "Hey, wanna go explore more places?" I ask, I had a craving. "Sure, but where?" He asks, I didn't know where, but I would find out. "We could go back to the warehouse, we only explored the roof last time." Sam says, I liked that night, it was cute. "Ok, let's go." I say, sam takes my hand and we go back to the warehouse.
Once we get there we climb over the fences again and explore. "What's that?" Sam asks, I look at where he's pointing, I didn't see anything. "I don't see anything." I say, sam side hugs me. "Let's go on the roof." I say, sam nods his head on the verge of tears. I walk back over to the ladder and climb up to the roof, o grab Sam's shaky hand and pull him up onto the roof. Once we sit down on the She of the building I see sam crying, his hands were shaking. "Sam, what did you see down there?" I ask, he continues to cry. "I don't know, I saw something run passed us like 3 times, it was a red figure." Sam says, I grab him  and hug him, "it's ok, we're safe now." I say, swaying him back and forth, I heard him giggle. I kissed him on the cheek and lauded my head on his shoulder. " when we're 19, let's move to LA, I mean we'll have the money." Sam says. "Sounds good." I say, we sit on the roof of the warehouse until the sun goes down, I don't release our hug, I liked it.

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