Day at the MC

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Amelia's POV

I've been up since 3am cleaning nothing needed cleaning but today's my first day working on the
Motorbike and to be honest I'm so nervous.
Saying your going to rebuild a motorbike is a lot different then going in a motorcycle club and actually doing it and I have a feeling the men are not going to be far behind me.

Well here I am no turning back now it took me three hours to pick what I was going to wear I'm more summer dress than leather I picked blue jeans a black top and the only boots I own. As I get to the motorcycle club it looks a lot different in the day then it does at night for a start its a lot bigger and there seems to be more bikes out the front than when i was last here.As I go through the front door I hear

"Well Hello princess" as I turn around I see slade 

I smile finally someone i knew 
" hello maybe we could drop the princess" he smirked
"Princess even in blue jeans and a black top your still a princess" how does that even work.
" yeah but now I'm a bike soon to be fixing princess so there will be dirty and oil and stuff." I think.
" whatever you say" he laughed.
Behind me I hear Axels deep voice
" slade stop flirting and get back to work princess your with me"
I sign and say with a whine in my voice. 
" for god sake I'm not a princess."
Axel smirks at me
"Come on today you will work with king and see the simple bits of a bike plus he's less likely to flirt with you"
" why won't he flirt with me " omg that sounded like im so stuck up my own ass that im offended that he wont flirt with me. 
" let's just say your not his type."

"well im not looking for a relationship just to fix a bike" Axel looks at me and asks" what are you going to do with it when its fixed." Id been dreading this question" I dont know to be honest learn how to ride a bike maybe." Axel brusts out laughing and i must of been hear saying that because a few of the men laugh to. "what you dont think i could do it do you." axel smiles and says

" oh no princess i honestly think you could do whatever you set your mind to i mean you got me to agree to let you fix the bike here and not many people can get me to do anything its just that bike is height off the ground and your like 4 foot 11" i gasp at this " im actually five foot you know if your keeping score."  

"do you have an answer for everything" i laugh 

"pretty much"

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