“You mean, my destiny still hasn’t changed?” I was surprised, I hadn’t thought about it for so long, I had just expected it to go away. Levi was such a positive force in my life, I couldn’t imagine doing something like that when I had him.

Levi shook his head sadly at me. “If it had I’d have known, I’d have either been pulled out or notified, I’m sorry Ashque.”

I plastered a smile on my face, I wouldn’t worry Levi about how scared I actually was. It’s not like I wanted to kill people, I just wished that my fate was not decided. I’d much prefer the unknown.

“It’s fine, he can’t do anything to us without proof, alright.” I grabbed his shoulders so that he was facing me. “Alright?”

After a few tense moments, Levi’s anxious face smoothed out. “Alright.” He murmured.

“Let’s go then.” I breathed out.

We walked out of the brightly lit bathroom to the knight who hadn’t moved since we’d gone in.

“All done, lets not keep his highness waiting.” I said cheerfully to the knight. If there was one thing I was good at, it was faking my emotions.

He merely nodded and walked back to the hallway, which we’d come through. We walked till the end of it and there, concealed as part of the wall was a door. “Clever” I said to myself.

The knight knocked on the door and an old man ushered us in to a dimly lit room, and when I say old, I mean ‘how is he still alive’ old.

My eyes were just starting to adjust to the light when I heard. “Ashqueron, Levi! Just the two boys I wanted to see. Come, come, sit down you two honored guests.”

I exchanged a look with Levi, this wasn’t what we had been expecting, the King to be acting so friendly towards us. The old man moved and stood behind the king in a courtly manner, while the king himself sat lazily on a chair in front of a fireplace.

I never really got over how young he really was, just in his early thirties. Most kings weren’t crowned until they were in their forties or fifties.

King Kirao had been crowned when he was very young. Some would say too young but by the way he was running the country I’d doubt that anyone could openly complain. He was doing an exceptional job for everyone… unless you were on his bad side.

“Your Highness.” I bowed and Levi followed my example.

“Please, no need to do that here. You’re among friends.” Kirao beamed at us.

By the looks of the knight and the old man I’d beg to differ, but I smiled back and played the easy charming lord that I was.

“Well then your highness, you wont mind me asking why you’ve roused us in the middle of the night? No offenses meant. It’s just that myself and my cousin Levi have some business that we need to go over tomorrow.” I smiled again.

“Ho ho, right down to business aren’t we?” he laughed looking at the old man and back to us. “Yes, I know you and Lord Livion have some things to speak of in the morning. Oh well, no harm done, eh?”

Levi stiffened behind me. I chuckled.

“Yes we do.” I murmured.

“Come, sit.” Kirao beckoned to us on the couch in front of him. “Do not worry, Livion had that coming, I mean, who decides that stealing from the most accomplished thieves in the city is a good idea, huh?”

I decided to remain silent on that one, thanking him might be too much of an assumption. Words held power and he clearly meant to trick me. I just nodded pleasantly, acknowledging his compliment if it were meant for me, or agreeing with him if it wasn’t. Either way, it was the best I could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2012 ⏰

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