Imagine a new Imagine Book

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Hello lovely people!

With the last parts for the Hobbit Imagine book on their way, I found a new show to sink my teeth in. Now, the first imagines are probably going to be rubbish.

Ichabod Crane comes from a different time period and English isn't my first language. So I hope that I will do justice to his  very typical manner of speech. And I am probably going to screw that one up a lot. Like, a lot.

Anyway I am going to have fun with this book.

Some, if not most, imagines will be Ichabodxreader. No... let's be honest here... Most of them are going to be Ichabocxreader.

And probably a lot of IchabodxAbbie.

Yep, that too.

Today the first imagine for this book will be up.

So sit back, I hope you enjoy, and let

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