A Series of Unexpected Events and The Gym Battle!

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He looked in his pants pocket for something then started walking towards me. “How you ask Chosen one? Well with this.” He replied as he stood in front of me, he was a least half a foot taller than me and grabbed my chin, and made me look up at him, then opened my mouth forcibly  swallowing whatever he put in my mouth, then let go of me.

“Bleh! Eww! What was that?” I said spitting nothing out.

“Let’s say it’s a special medicine. Now you can control it. Turn back to the twelve year old you now chosen one.” He replied as he smiled, with his arms crossed over his chest. 

“Are you crazy? How the hell do I do that? Want me to spin around like this really fast or something?!” I asked him, thinking he was some crazy lunatic as I started to spin in a circle quickly, then I felt a sudden change. For one I felt shorter, and I felt a lot lighter, and there was less of me?

I stopped a bit dizzy. Then I looked at my hands, they weren’t the hands of a twelve year young old girl and not of a mature sixteen year old.

“Well I guess that works then Chosen one, you’re a bit odd, but cute. Here,” he said giving me a black mask like the one he wore, expect it had a jade green designs instead of the blue like his, “You’ll need it since I’m sure you’ll have to be sixteen for some things, in order to hide who you are.” He said as he hit both Gold and Aldo hard enough to make them fall to the floor.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” I asked worried about how hard he hit them, while putting away the mask given to me in my bag.

“They’re fine. They just won’t remember some things. Just stay away from them for now on. Move on, go to gyms, battle, win badges, save the Pokemon, stop team rocket, yada yada. Got it memorized?”  He said with a wink as he used his index finger to lightly tap his head a few times with a smile.

“That was so a Kingdom Hearts II moment wait, no an Axel moment.” I just stated looking at him blankly.

“Whatever. You get what I mean Chosen one. Well Len, gotta go! Oh, by the way try not to sing, they’ll find you faster if you do.”  He said as he picked up both Gold and Aldo easily, and started to walk away.

“It’s Elena! Or Lena! Wait!? Who are ‘they’?” I asked confused.

“I know you’re name Elena. I rather call you Len. Easier you know. And that’s a secret.” He said as he suddenly disappeared.

‘Chosen one, this will all be revealed to you in time. Now, time to go to your room, and sleep, sleep, sleep!’ The sing-song voice started to speak again since it had stopped a while ago.

‘Back already? Great.’ I told it in my mind as I started to head for the hotel room, as I rolled my eyes.

‘Rest, rest Chosen one. Be prepared for the next day, things have changed the cards are turned, then you’ll need to roll the dice soon, and make your move.’ It spoke happily.

“Oh shut up! Stop talking like that it’s annoying!” I yelled out loud, and then I realized I was in front of the hotel.

‘You’re going to make yourself look insane chosen one.’ The voice giggled.

“Whatever.” I muttered annoyed under my breath as I walked into the hotel, luckily no one was at the desk, so I walked towards my room and stood in front on my door. I looked over at the neighboring room door and wondered about Aldo and Gold. What exactly happened to them?

‘Go in you, need to rest.’ The voice spoke, for one serious and no in a peppy tune.

I didn’t reply back to the voice, and opened the door to my room, walking in putting all my things down on the floor. The room itself was dark, the sun had finally completely set, the pink streaks in the sky gone, and all that was left was the darkness of the night, only being lit up by the stars in the sky or some bright street lights that were a bit far away since in front of my window were the woods, it looked dark but oddly welcoming.

A normal day then.. Bam! Into the world of Pokemon! (Pokemon Gold Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now