Chapter 7

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"U like summer!?"Zach exclaimed while his mouth was wide open. "Ur kidding..right?!"
"No." I said curious as to why Zach was acting like this.
"Oh man wait till summer gets a load of this!" Zach said as he was starting to walk off as I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
"Dude u can't tell anyone!" I whisper-yelled.
"Why not?" Zach questioned.
"Because I don't know if she feels the same way." I explained as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
"Summer will kill me for telling u this...but the truth is, she liked u before, but then u were with Kale, so she had to learn to stop liking u.." he whispered the last part.
"Ur kidding right?! I can't believe this ugh what do I do?? I have to talk to her!" I said while starting to walk away.
"Hey hey not now, how about after school? Besides summer said she had some news to share anyways." Zach said
"Ok I guess that's fine.." I stated
Bell Rings 🛎
"Come on let's go" I tell Zach and with that we both head off to class to hear Summers News.

Hey guys! Only 1 chapter left! :( but..they're may or may not be a sequel?? 😏 anyways see u guys!!!

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