Team Magneto: Tony Stark, Bucky and the Guardians

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'So Magnet, want to tell us why you brought us here?' Just when Tony Stark thought he was done saving the world, he found himself among the mutants Magneto and Mystique together with Bucky Barnes.

'MAGNETO!' Erik Lehnsherr probably asking himself the same question, because to be honest he had expected a little more when he requested these superheroes. Perhaps he would be more satisfied if he got to see the Iron Man suit.

'Something beyond us is predicted to come. We could really use all the help we are able to get', Mystique answered.

'Predicted? So you don't even know if it's for real or not?', Bucky rolled his eyes.

'I know what this is!' Tony Stark looked around to explore the place. 'This must be one of Thor's worlds. I'm pretty sure the blue girl is Loki's grandmother or something. We are in the past right?' Tony glanced a look towards Bucky.

'He's talking about those Gods Charles wanted to bring here', Mystique said to Magneto.

'Look Stark. I have this device which is supposed to find me the best superheroes. Below the name 'The Avengers' your name was the first one to pop up!', Magneto explained.

'Then where are the others?'

'Follow me, then I'll show you..'

The small tour ended up in front of a cage. Inside of the cage were Rocket and Teenage Groot. 'Unfortunately your original teammates were unavailable, this is what I got instead.' These creatures were the last Magneto expected when he clicked the names 'Rocket' and 'Groot'.

'Somebody call the zoo, I think they are missing a few!', Tony laughed when his eyes discovered Rocket. Groot and Rocket walked out of the cage, which Magneto had opened.

'I don't like that guy! If you want us to team up with them you'd better grant me the other guy's arm!' Rocket said, bargaining on his best.

'If you guys succeed you will be granted. If it's true Charles brought those Gods here, you'd better find them and team up with them.. Tony?' Magneto was about to slap Tony with Bucky's metal arm to get his attention.

'I'm sorry I just got a little distracted seeing it speaking. Find Thor you said? Piece of cake!' Now Tony had all the attention. 'Just follow the chaos, then we'll be with Lightning McThor and his brother Reindeer Games in no time!', Tony grinned.


'No Groot, he doesn't mean we are heading to a Game Shop!' Rocket sighed deep. 'This Thor and his reindeer better have some good gadgets for me to use!'

X-Men, Avengers and Guardians Of the Galaxy CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now