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"Jesus, you don't have to grab the wheel like that!" Stiles scolded, taking back control of the car. "What do you even want me to do? They're parked."

"The original plan." Violet replied as if it were obvious.

"They're parked!" Stiles repeated.

"Okay. Your point..."

"My car is old! Roscoe can't take crashing into another car on purpose!"

"Then hit it lightly! I don't know, distract them!" Violet yelled.

"This is why I prefer Scott." Stiles mumbled.

Stiles pulled over the car and slowly approached Peter's car more and more. When the jeep bumped into Peter's car and shook both vehicles, Stiles put the Jeep in park and got out while Violet hid in her spot. If her mother had known she had intentionally sabotaged the first date she'd had in years, Mama McCall would be furious.

Melissa got out of the car first, then Peter. She turned back and groaned aloud when she saw Stiles, "Oh, are you kidding me? Stiles!"

"Mrs. McCall?" Stiles said.

"Yes!" Melissa said exasperatedly.

"Wow—this is just crazy. What a coincidence, huh?" Stiles asked, while Melissa replied with a chuckle, whether it was sarcastic or not was a different question.

Scott staked out behind the jeep where he accompanied Stiles and Violet. The whole plan was an attempt for Scott to talk to Peter without Peter hurting Melissa. It seemed to have worked.

"You guys just came out of nowhere." Said Stiles, trying to explain himself.

"Out of nowhere? Stiles we were in a parked car!" Melissa scolded.

"How crazy is that?" Stiles asked. "We should probably call the cops, you know, do like an accident report thing."

"I don't think that's necessary." said Peter. His mind seemed to be a lot less concerned with the fact that Stiles had hit his car.

"Are you sure? I think I'm feeling a little bit of whiplash."

"Whiplash?! You hit us!" Melissa exclaimed.

"I don't know, I think there's definitely something wrong with my neck." Stiles exaggerated, rubbing up and down the back of his neck.


Violet returned home by herself, and Scott had gone to the Hale House to save Jackson's ass...again. She walked up the stairs to her bedroom when she saw that Scott's light was on. Then she remembered.

Allison was still there.

"Allison?" Violet called, making her way into Scott's bedroom, and seeing Allison pacing around impatiently.

"Oh, hey, Violet," Allison greeted. She checked her watch, "I should probably get going. It's already 8:30 and I promised my dad I would be home by 9."

"Scott's gonna get back soon if you wouldn't mind waiting a little bit longer." Violet tried.

"It's been like two hours. Can you tell him I'll talk to him at school?" Allison asked, picking up her bag.

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