Great more information that's making my head spin and my stomach grow knots. "He wasn't much of a father though. " She adds quickly "my mom was the one that raised me. He died before I got to meet him. " "But you're related to him. " "So? That doesn't mean I'll ever be like him. " "You're the princesses first cousin?" "Yes. " "Doesn't that make Kovu her cousin? " "No because he's adopted so they aren't related in anyway. "

Okay good incest is gross. "Good. " "Yeah that'd be so weird. " "It'd be gross. " "Haha that too. " "So do you want to hear a story or not? " Rafiki interrupts. "Of course. " I answer for both of us.

"Alright where do I begin? " He seems uncomfortable with the topic I've asked for him to tell us about. "If you don't feel comfortable with the topic you don't have to.." "No, no, it's fine. It's just a lot of things that I need to remember. This isn't going to be an easy story to tell. " His eyes are full of sorrow, hurt, and fear.

"The lands instantly darkened and weakened when Scar became king. He ruled the Pride Lands with hatred and with the hyenas by his side the lands had no chance to survive.

He filled the lionesses and the other animals minds with lies. Not a single thing he said was true, he told everyone that Mufasa and Simba both died in the cursed stampede, that he actually cared for either of their deaths.

All he ever wanted was to become king and in the most horrid way possible he became king, ruling with greed and selfishness.

The hyenas destroyed everything. Whether it was the food the lionesses hunted for or the way their tongues would lap at the gleaming waterholes drying them out with their numbers.

Everything was lost. Nala grew up in this hassle trying her best not to get killed or hurt.

Sarafina, her mother, became pregnant with what Scar thought was his child only it was her mate Ni's. A few months later the cub was born, he was a boy, they named him Mheetu. For once Nala was happy and some light came to the lands and she swore to always protect him.

Zira, Scar's mate, found out that the cub was not Scar's and of course told the king himself.

When Mheetu was alone the king attempted to kill the poor cub, he came to my tree that night and I tried to heal him. I told him it was best to run away and return in a few years. When the lands were again saved and at peace.

The king wasn't happy even though he had a wife and son who they names Nuka. He wanted more and in his persistence he tried to mate with Nala. She was enraged and ran from him, from the hyenas, from the fate she did not want.

She found Simba.

Well, you already know that Simba challenges Scar and triumphed. The lands were restored to it's full glory.

Zira was devastated when she found her husbands dead body. She vowed to end Simba's life and of those he loved most.

She succeeded once and was banished along with her three cubs and her followers. They became OutSiders."

"That can't be the end. " "It is, there is nothing more to say about when Scar reigned. The other half is for Vitani to tell another time. " We both look over at the beautiful lioness next to me with teary eyes. "I I didn't know that part of the story. " "It's alright child, many of your people didn't know, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." "No, not at all, I just, I didn't know that side of Scar." "No one did until that day." Her eyes release a single tear. "I have to go back home." "Tani," "I'll see you tomorrow Tanabi." She slides off the large tree and disappears into the dark African night. "Come on Tanabi. It is time we rest." I nod and lay on the ground once more since I had gotten up while talking to Tani the short amount that I did.

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