05: whenever, wherever

Start from the beginning

One minute, he was just taking a spontaneous walk to calm his nerves during an argument with Anto and the next, he's in her apartment, calming her down from an emotional breakdown and eating ice cream in silence.

He suddenly feels awful for all the things he's called her—emotionless, dull, lifeless because clearly, there was something bothering her this entire time. Had he known....no, he shouldn't blame himself. He didn't know, but he was glad he more than kind whenever he was with her. He doesn't know that much about Charlene other than the fact that she's from Croatia and likes brioche bread, they're still somewhat acquaintances. New and foreign.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"It's fine," she said in a small voice.

Seriously, what the hell is happening? He still trying to figure that out. He's not sure if this is a sign from God, or if he was at the right place at the right moment.

But boy, was he glad he was there. Otherwise, something...horrible would have happened, and he wouldn't have known.

Did she want to die? Was she on the bridge because she wanted to.... Paulo can't even bare to think of it.

"D-Did you...were you..."

"Yes," she responded and Paulo felt his heart sink into his chest. Oh, God. "I was going to before you showed up."

As he looks over at Charlene, it's difficult to process that a woman like her would have wanted to end it all. To think of ending it all. Paulo can't even think of it.

"I was just...I was just so stressed out. Not about work or money or any of that, but because I wasn't happy," Charlene explained, sniffling a little bit. "I was so unhappy for the longest time, and I was tired of it. I was so tired."

Paulo can't really relate to her—he grew up happy, achieved his dreams, and now he's reaching higher than he ever thought he could. He was the exact opposite of her, and yet, he could still feel her pain. "Whatever it is you need, I'm here for you."

"Thank you," she whispered, breathing finally calming down, no tears left to cry.

He just smiled at her. "Don't mention it. If I knew..."

"You don't have to—"

"No, Charlene, I care about you," he told her. "So many people care about you." And I don't know who they are, but you matter.

She shook her head. "No, I don't. I can easily be replaced. I'm nothing special." She picked at her ice cream.

"Uh—you speak four languages."

"What's so special about that? Millions of people do, I'm just another person." Her tone grew sad. "Juventus can just replace me if they wanted to. If I'm not good enough, if I'm not enough."

"Well then, I hope they don't. You're are the best tutor and person ever, and I don't even have to know you all that well to know that." Paulo gave her a big, fat, genuine smile as if all the smiles he gave her weren't real. You know, he does care a lot for this small Croat, even before any of this happened, and that says a lot.

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