Chapter 8

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"Bucky..." I say, slightly alarmed.

"I know." He replies, his grip tightening on the wheel.

After two weeks, I can almost have a normal conversation with him. He trusts me to take five extra minutes at rest stops at least, and I trust him enough to fall asleep first at night.

I guess that's what you'd call progress.

Oh! And we stole a car. A truck, actually. It's a really shoddy, rust bucket F-150 from like fifteen years ago. I don't know much about cars, okay?

It's inconspicuous, it has awful gas mileage, and it smells slightly of tobacco.

Turns out, my parents did file a missing person's report, and both myself and my car have been flashing all over the news, shortly following Bucky's own wanted picture.

So yeah, we've had to be more careful.

Not much has happened since I was carjacked that fateful Friday evening, other than the occasional nightmares, shabby motel visits, constantly wearing a hood indoors, and occasional, halfhearted death threats. But really that's become my new normal.

We've gone through Virginia, Kentucky, a small portion of Missouri, Arkansas, and are now angling back up into Tennessee. He tells me that the plan is to eventually make it to Atlanta.

I tell him that's a stupid idea. Georgia is my home state, and I'm a missing person. The police force there are going to be on high alert.

He says that Atlanta is just populated enough to blend in, but not populated enough to be recognized immediately. "A good place to lay low for a couple months." He says, "I'll figure out what to do from there."

I guess I don't really have a choice but to go along with it. Yes, we've made progress, but I'm technically still being kidnapped. He calls the shots.

I often wonder if I would leave if he decided to let me go. I'm still not sure of the answer.

Being on the run isn't exactly a pleasurable experience, but I don't hate it.

Actually...I kind of like it.

Is that bad?

But I've gotten off track.

Bucky and I are both a little worried currently because we've stumbled across a routine traffic stop. They're running licenses.

I scan the area, searching for a road to turn off on. When we reach just a few meters from them, I see it.

"Dirt road," I mutter, "On the right. The sign is hidden in the branches."

Bucky slows down enough to frustrate the car behind us to go around. While they are passing us, he turns down the dusty road.

I grin slightly at the distraction, before realizing the blue and red lights following us.

"Shit." He mutters.

"Yeah," I say as I unfasten my seatbelt, "Pull over."


"You want to get out of this without drawing attention or not? Just pull over, and unbuckle." I say firmly.

He hesitates a moment before flashing the hazards and pulling over to the side of the road.

"Switch." I say shortly, "Pretend you're asleep."

He nods once, sliding toward me on the single bench and quickly lifting me over his lap and into the drivers seat.

I don't have time to analyze that as we both buckle up, and Bucky slumps against the window.

I quickly remove my hoodie, leaving my tank top and shorts on, "Never thought I'd be the kind of girl to flirt her way out of a ticket," I mutter unhappily.

Thank god we stayed at a motel last night.

A girl needs her showers.

I roll down the window as the young officer approaches.

"Ma'am." He greets, "You know why I stopped you?"

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, angling myself toward him, "No sir, did I do something wrong?"

He looks at me, appraising me as he speaks. Normally, I wouldn't be to happy about where I see his eyes go, but I'm all too happy for the distraction right now.

"Forgot to signal."

Dammit Bucky.

"Oh did I?" I feign shock, then settle into disappointment, "I didn't even realize..." I trail off, letting my eyes go big.

He grins at me for a moment before noticing my "sleeping" companion, "That your boyfriend?"

I laugh lightly, "No sir, just my cousin. He's a pretty heavy sleeper."

I notice how quickly the officer's smile returned at the word "cousin."

"Y'all headed home from somewhere?"

"Yes sir, he came to visit my father for some hunting. I'm taking him home. He was out late." I lie casually.

He nods in understanding, watching as I re-tuck the strand of hair, which keeps falling from behind my ear. He grins again.

"You know, not signaling can be dangerous, Miss..." he trails off, waiting for me to finish.

"Just call me Alice," I say quickly.

"Alice." This is where he begins doing that guy thing where they look at you from the very top of their eyes, like they're trying to see you through their eyebrows.

I allow a tiny smile to form and I graze my bottom lip with my teeth, "Yes sir-"


"Scott," I smile, "I was just so focused on not hitting any potholes and waking up Clyde here." I point at Bucky, "I didn't even realized I forgot."

"I suppose we all make mistakes," Scott says kindly, still doing the weird eye thing, "I guess I'll let you off with a warning this time. Just try and be more careful, Alice."

I don my brightest smile causing Scott to grin as well, "Thank you. I appreciate it, Scott."

"No problem," he replies, "Best get your cousin home."

I laugh lightly, "Maybe I'll see you around.  Get pulled over on purpose next time." I give him a quick wink, causing him to grin widely.

"I'll be on the lookout." He gives the truck a quick tap, "Have a good day, Alice."

I flash him one last smile before rolling the window back up and starting the car.

We're about half a mile down the road before Bucky sits back up and looks at me questioningly.


"It fits." I explain casually.

"Sure." He mutters, "Well done."

I give him a quick grin, "You too.  I almost believed you were asleep."

"You know, you could have been free just now.  Told the cop everything." 

I exhale, "I know."

He doesn't say anything else, but the question is hanging in the air.

I don't answer it.

And we drive on in silence.

Drive. ~James Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now