...cloudy days...

Start from the beginning

Plus, god knows living and breathing in this school was enough of a nightmare to testify to that fact.

"And so students, I simply want you to think about the theme of Pride and Prejudice. What do you believe it corresponds to? Love? Status? Family?

Look beneath the surface.

Look deeper than what meets the eye, and that's when the theme really and truly comes to you.

Isn't that right Mr. Katsuki?"


Yuri jolted our of his coma and stopped scribbling meaningless doodles on his worn notebook, a notebook that was navy blue and filled to the brim with anything but the notes he was supposed to be taking.

"Uh....yes! Yes, of course," he said as he gave Ms. Fontaine a sorry smile, feeling uneasy at the sensation of every single pair of his peer's eyes on him with judgement and irritation, since that's all they were pathetically capable of.


He prayed to god that she wouldn't take the time to comment on his short attention span that had failed to pay attention to her stupid lecture.

Of course, it wasn't his fault that he was so easily distracted away from an ill-persuaded, meaningless education and monotone teacher voices.

He was a daydreamer.

Not to mention, dreamy himself.

And so all Ms. Fontaine could do in response to those innocent, smiling brown eyes was give him a tired glare and a disappointed shake of the head as she circled back around her desk and sunk into the comfort of her black, leather chair.

God knows she didn't have enough energy to deal with the stubborn bombshell that always sat in the back of the room with his pen twirling in his fingers...........

And his eyes looking out the window as if he were begging for the world to send him anything else to watch or listen to.

But Yuri Katsuki was not the only student Ms. Fontaine had given up on.

They were all hopeless in her humble, quiet opinion.

So, much to her liking and every one else's, the silver bell outside of the classroom door finally rang out with a blaring sound as the signal for the end of the day.

"Thank god," Yuri openly murmured to himself as he stood up abruptly, his chair scratching against the dusty classroom floor beneath him with friction.

A sigh of relief escaped his pink lips naturally as he packed up his stuff in a scarily fast manner and dashed out of the classroom like his life depended on it.

And god, it really did.

"See you all tomorrow. Don't forget the assignment boys!" Ms. Fontaine said with an exasperated sigh, her pleading voice becoming distant to Yuri as he skipped out into the hallway without a second glance. "Oh, and don't mess around in the halls! End of the day means end of the day!"

 Boarding School Boys ⚣ Yuri on Ice Where stories live. Discover now