Brown Belt Entry: 7

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"Got it," came the reply in my earpiece. I walked slowly to the barn and other FBI members appeared at my side. Hank took the lead. We carefully and silently surrounded the barn.

Hank came close to me and muttered. "There is no stopping this madness, eh?"

I grinned. "This job never gets boring."

Hank hollered, "Frank Winslow, we have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up."

No one did. Hank took another step forward. "Frank?" Only the sound of breathing from our men. I looked at Hank and he nodded. We walked into the barn. I held my gun in front of me.

We walked into the barn and were met with a surprising sight. Frank Winslow was tied up against a beam outside a horse stall. I walked forward. "Frank, is that you?"

He nodded fervently, a dirty gag in his mouth. Hank approached him. He nudged him with his boot. "Are you tied up?" Frank nodded again. Hank put away his gun and got out his handcuffs. He untied him, then cuffed him. He yanked Frank to his feet then pulled out the gag.

"Frank Winslow, you're under arrest for the murder of 13 people-"

"Hank, what are you doing?" I asked. Hank looked at me like I was insane. "I'm arresting him."

"Hank, he was tied up. It can't be him."

"I respect your opinion Ammon but did it occur to you he did this to throw us off?"

"Yeah, I know but-"

"Then step aside agent."

I threw up my hands and walked out of the barn. As soon as I stepped out, the thought came, "Where was Stephanie Cooper?"

I turned around, "Hank-" I was met with a face full of fire. I was knocked off my feet by an explosion. I went rolling in the dirt as the barn went up in flames. As soon as I stopped, I staggered to my feet, ears ringing. I've got to get Hank. I stumbled into the barn but another agent grabbed me. "Ammon, you can't go in there."

"But there's still..."

"We're getting them, don't worry." I looked into the agent's weathered face. He's one to talk. He's clearly worried. My legs buckled underneath me but the man lowered me carefully to the ground.

After a second I shook my head and stood. The ground quit rolling as I remembered my mission. I held myself in place as police and now firemen ran into the burning barn. My face began to itch and I reached up a hand to rub it. My hand came away warm and sticky. I tenderly felt my face, tracing the gash shrapnel must have created.

A fireman pulled someone out of the flames. I ran forward, hoping it was Hank and that he was okay.

I looked into my friend's blackened face. "Hank?" The fireman ignored and yelled, "Can we get a paramedic?"

I knelt down by Hank. I felt for a pulse. Nothing. My fingers left red stripes on his neck. I shook him. A paramedic came and began CPR. A second explosion rattled y existence and I collapsed beside my friend.


I walked with AS A Eiler down the hall to the interrogation room.

"I'm sorry you can't be with your friend right now," the agent said as we walked. "After last night, I'm surprised you made it out relatively unscathed."

I nodded. "It was a miracle only Frank Winslow died. And Hank... well, he's tough. He'll get better."

Agent Eiler smiled. "He a strong one. And thank you for being willing to join me. You're one of our best interrogators that we have. After we found Ms. Cooper in the farmhouse, we've been waiting until you could come help us get some detail through her."

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