Pepper growled and Nick walked outside to the balcony. I turned around and straddled him. He held me and rubbed my back to calm me down. "Your jumpy" he said. 'I don't know why though' I said. "It's fine. Just means I can be here more" he said. I smiled and heard a gun fire. I whined and saw Pepper fall down. I screamed and cried. Jamangi released me and ran outside. Nick growled and pushed Jamangi back. Nick jumped off the balcony and I heard someone scream and it was cut short. Jamangi ran back inside and grabbed my sniper from off my back. "Stay here" he whispered. He walked outside and Zen held his hands up. Jamangi began firing my sniper and I whined. Zen saw me crying and came inside. "Hey you okay?" He asked. I shook my head and covered my ears as I heard people screaming. He walked over to me and sat beside me and held me as I cried. "We've got to run for our lives there's so many hunters" Jamangi said. "Why is everywhere we go being attacked?" Jamangi asked. I screamed as a hunter entered the bedroom. Zen growled and attacked him. I cried and ran to Jamangi. I pressed my back up against him and screamed. Zen killed the hunter and I shook with fear. "Everyone run to the bathroom!" Jamangi shouted. We all ran towards the bathroom and I climbed into the tub and sat down crying. Zen close and locked the door. "I need more ammunition" Jamangi said. I pulled a pack of bullets out of my pocket and handed them to him. He loaded the gun and I saw a knife poke a hole into the door. I screamed and began crying harder. Jamangi climbed into the tub and held me. "Zen back away from the door" Jamangi said. "Okay Shades I need you to go out there and kill them. Your our last hope of survival" Jamangi said. I nodded and grabbed my sniper. I put it on my back and grabbed my dagger from my arms. "You can't send a pregnant woman out there!" Zen shouted. "Trust me on this Zen. If there's anyone who's capable of surviving and saving us from these hunters it's her. I'm a long range killer not a close range one" Jamangi said. I stood up and stood by the door. A knife poked another hole into the door. I opened the door and sliced the nearest hunter. I stabbed him in the head and kicked him away. I grabbed my sniper and killed four of them. I sheathed it and took out my daggers. I closed the door to the bathroom and laughed evilly. I smiled and my eyes turned red. "She's a demon!" Someone shouted. I ran forward and sliced them all with my incredible speed. They all collapsed to the floor dead.

I knocked three times on the bathroom door and Jamangi opened it. "Damn" Zen said. "Told you" Jamangi said."remind me to never anger her" Zen said. I opened the bedroom door and sliced the head of a hunter off. I smiled and made my way down the hall fighting off the hunters. When the hall was cleared I knocked on the bedroom door and they came out. I made my way into the kitchen and smiled. "Get her!" Someone shouted. I quickly took them out and looked outside and saw our car was surrounded. I drew my sniper out and sniped the hunters out. I made a run to the car and climbed in the driver seat. They followed and climbed in. I sped away and the hunters chased us in their cars. "Get em Love" Jamangi said. I rolled down my window and he took the wheel I climbed out the window and stood on the roof of the car. I began sniping them out. Soon no one was left to challenge me. I climbed in the passenger seat and frowned. "Not enough of a challenge were they?" Jamangi asked. I shook my head and clutched my stomach. I overdid it with all that fighting and now my stomach hurts. "Zen drive she's gonna puke!" Jamangi shouted. Jamangi climbed out of the driver seat and held the wheel while zen climbed in the driver seat. Jamangi held me as I puked out the window. "Shit she overdid it with the fighting" Jamangi said as I breathed heavily. "Well that's your fault" Zen said. "I know" Jamangi said. "I'm sorry love" Jamangi said. I nodded and he held me in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head and puked out the window again. "Dammit" Jamangi said. "The next base is a day away and she needs to eat" Jamangi said. "We should wait a while before we stop" Zen said. I began crying I was so hungry. "If we do she's just going to get sicker" Jamangi said. 'I don't feel good' I said to Jamangi in mind link. "I know love just rest" he whispered to me. I closed my eyes and as soon as I did I felt worse. "How long can she wait for?" Zen asked. 'I wanna pass out I'm so hungry' I said. "She going to pass out if she doesn't eat soon"Jamangi said. "Well then let's stop" Zen said.

The World Of Lies/Abused Luna Queenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن