Chapter two

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I heard a weird beeping sound and the sound of someone shouting. I fluttered my eyes open and saw I wasn't in my cell. I sprung up and looked around frantically. Everything came crashing down on me and I jumped up and looked for an escape. I saw a window and looked for the latch I found it and opened it. I pushed out whatever was in it and climbed into the window. The door to my hospital room opened and I saw my mate. I quickly pushed myself out the window and he shouted. People below me panicked and someone waited to catch me. I landed in their arms and they relaxed. "I've got her" he shouted. I jumped out of his arms and ran. I wasn't very fast since I've been in a cell my whole life. I heard them gaining on me so I pushed myself to go faster. I was picked up and I thrashed around. They held me tightly, but not to tight. I was panicking and began having a panic attack. "Zen get over here she's panicking!" The guy shouted. I heard someone running towards us. "Hey breathe, come on breathe. Please breathe" mate said. I now knew his name. It was Zen. I shook my head and he picked me up and ran back to the pack house. I was coughing for air when we arrived back into the pack hospital. He called over a doctor and she put a mask on me and held it down tightly. I thrashed around and began panicking worse. "She needs to relax" the doctor said. "Back away and let go of the mask" he said backing away. I sat up and pulled off the mask and pushed myself as far away as I could get. I calmed down my racing heart. I was breathing normally now. "Are you good?" Zen asked. I didn't respond or even nod.

I felt a little hungry, but sucked it up. Today was the day I usually got fed. Someone walked into my room and hugged my mate. I looked away and starred at the open window. I was going to get out of here. I was to vulnerable here. "Mate this is my sister" Zen said. "Hi" his sister said. I walked towards the window and he followed. I leaned out of it and breathed in the fresh air. I longed for freedom. "Be careful" I heard Zen say. I walked back to my bed and sat down and pulled my knees to my chest. "She looks so scared" his sister said. "She's been trying to run away since we found her" Zen said. I felt tears fall from my eyes and stream down my face. I was broken. I was bruised. I was tortured. I was abused. I was beaten. I was forgotten. I was abounded. I was sad and scarred for life. "She has many injuries and had poison in her veins" the nurse said. "She had so much wrong with her, but she should be okay to leave the hospital" the nurse said. "It's just going to take a while for her injuries to heal" the nurse said. "Do you wanna go outside?" His sister asked. I just sat there not saying anything. She walked towards me and I ran into the furthest corner away from her. She sighed and I sat back down with my knees to my chest crying. "Just give it time" she said. She left the room and my mate sat down on the floor.

The nurse left and I say there thinking about how to escape. I came up with a genius plan. I was going to push the bed to the window and then tie the sheets to the bed and climb out the window. I was brought out of my thoughts when the bedroom door opened. In cams someone and Zen stood up. He and the other guy did some weird hug and the guy was holding some clothes. "Here these are some of Georgia's clothes" he said. "Do you want some clothes?" Zen asked me. I didn't respond only starred at the wall. "She's not responsive" Zen said. "Want to watch a movie little girl?" His friend asked. I blinked and that was it. "Dude maybe she's mute" he said. "Possibly" Zen said. He pulled someone off the wall and slid it to me. "She probably can't write" his friend said. I looked at the object beside me and saw there was different colored things on it. I picked one of them up and the board. I popped off the cap and sniffed it. I put the cap back on and set it down. I laid down on the floor and took cap back off. "Write something" Zen said. I looked at him confused. I was pretending I couldn't write when I really could. "She can't write Zen" his friend said. "Do you know how to write?" He asked. I put the tip of the marker and drew scribble scrabble. "That's a no" Zen said. 'Wrong' I said in my head. I erased the board and began drawing. I drew a picture of the grass as people called it. I smiled happily and erased it. "She can draw us what she's thinking" his friend said. "Draw us something" Zen said. I put the marker down and sat back up and hugged my knees to my chest. I put my head down on my knees and tried to not think of anything. They sighed and I did, mentally that is.

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