Trouble with the Mrs.

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*Note* I changed it up so it doesn't specify what year this takes place. Only because that makes it more difficult to write any (dramatic or not) events because they wouldn't necessarily match up to the real thing, you catch my drift?*


Patrick's P.O.V 


Jonathan insists that I tag along and I have absolutely no idea why. He's always so uptight about practising and he acts as if he skips a day of training he'll suddenly forget how to skate. Or, maybe the reasons he's been so butthurt is because I've got a five goal lead on him. 

Haha, he sucks. 

"Okay, so now I'm going to bring it up the boards and I want you try and take it away, okay?" Jon demands.

"Yeah, yeah. That's cool." I say smoothly.

We play a little game of keep away and go over a few drills before calling it in and heading towards the showers. At this point I smell like ballsack, and am sweating like a pig.

"Thanks for coming to the rink, I know you'd rather be at home eating cheetos and playing video games, but practise is important." Jon says with a serious expression.

"Did I really have a choice?" I reply flatly.

He looks at me with astonishment. Raising an eyebrow he asks, "How is it that you can give less than two shits about being on top of training and yet you can still dominate on ice?" 

"I do what has to be done." I shrug.

I can tell Jon's completely lost so I spell it out for him,"Look, it's not like I don't care at all. It's just why give 100% into drills when I can put 200% into the real thing. That's not how I work....We're different that way."

 "So you have a problem with my work ethic?" He mumbles. I know instantly that the question is rhetorical. This thought is confirmed as Jonathon's brown eyes harden. He's obviously been offended by my words.

I just wish he would get off my case.

"I'm going to go shower." He says calmly.  

"Wait....Can I join you?" I say, attempting to lighten the mood.

Judging by how he storms away I'm pretty sure it was to no avail.


Jonathan's P.O.V


It's a pretty silent ride back to his place, both of us keep to ourselves.

Before we arrive at his apartment I decide to break the tension between us, "Look, it's all good. I understand what you meant." 

I can see his face sink, he must be feeling even more guilty.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it like that. And I promise to stop slacking not just for you, but for the team." 

"I don't want it to be like this. We can't be fighting anymore, it's not good for either of us." I say, slowing grasping ahold of his hand.

Patrick gives me a light squeeze, and nodds his head in agreement. "You got it, Cap'n." He flashes me a toothy grin and I feel a few butterflies flutter.

His smile is just so charming it makes me melt a little bit inside.

I pull the car over at his building and turn to face him. He's staring at me once again with his little blue eyes and I can't help but notice how curly his hair's gotten.

Patrick slowly inches forward and plants a soft kiss on my lips. His skin is inviting and warm making it difficult for me to even imagine moving away. 

As we pull away he starts smiling all stupid again, biting his bottom lip.

"Why don't you come in with me?" He begs.

"Because we have practise tomorrow. And I don't want to be late." I reply with a fake pout.

"You suck."

I punch him on the shoulder and tease,"Shut up, dickwad."  

Patrick laughs and is about to leave when I remind him once more that he has to be at the rink by 6 am. He shrugs it off and opens the door.

"OH, WAIT-!"  I shout, "Remember my parents will be staying at my place for the next week. So we can't hideout there."

"OhandI'mfinallygoingtotellthemaboutus." I mumble. 

Patrick looks at me, completely stumped,"What was that last part?"

"I think I'm ready to tell them about us. Is that....coool?"

"Can we talk about this later...." Kaner whispers. His uncertainty and uncomfortableness with the topic itself is pretty obvious. As he stands with his head peeking into the window I know he's not in the position to argue and that anything he says too loudly will be heard by plenty.

"We'll talk about it later." I assure him.

He smiles at me and waves before I drive away, dreaming of my bed.


A/N: was it?

I was a little conflicted with just jumping straight into a fight but because we start out with them already together it was kinda like, "Aww what the helk!". I know it's short, future chapters will be longer. :)

Like/dislike? Any thoughts? Cool, tell me, haha. :)

We'll Find A WayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ