SlyFoxHound Scared Of Lonely

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SlyFox Part

I stopped aleks my arms blocking the door way "aleks at least let me explain!" I begged Ashe shook his head shoving his way past me as I followed "Sly I can't tolorte you bullshit any more." He snapped as I frowned grabbing his arm making him face me

"Yet you can tolorte James bullshit?!" I yelled as aleks gulped "he doesn't give me as much sb-" I cut him off screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP! You know damn well he gives you more shit that I do!" I snapped as aleks frowned walking away. Tears threating to fall as I still follows him

"Why aleks, how come when I just made a mistake...I didn't even know! I didn't think you'd gt that pissed off!" I pointed out as he sighed still packing and tapering boxes. As I figured he was ignoring me as I covered my mouth walking to him as I placed my hand on his sholder "aleks...please I don't like it when you do this." I whispered as he sighed turning as he hugged me. His voice somber but harsh

"I'm sorry sly but that's the way our friendship blows. You fucked up short and sweet." He stated moving boxes as I stopped tears falling down "but your leavein I the middle of the night! Where are you gonna go?!" I asked as he srugged holding one box before calling someone as I gasped seeing a smile on his face

"James I need a place to stay can I live with you? Ok thanks dude."


I got up from my office walking through the office as I saw that puppychefs food was gone. At that I didn't hear her whine or anything...goddamn it "aleks where the fuck is puppychefs!?" I snapped as he rolled his eye "I took her, there was no way with her wing there was she safe." He stated as I growled "so you left me in my own house...alone?" I asked as he nodded "you where passed out you'll live without her." He stated walking back into his office as I sighed

"Then did you hear me cry? When I go to sleep whineing in my dreams you heartless raceist manatee!" I screamed holding in a painfull chuckle as he flipped me off shutting the door to his office "then at least please give her back to me!" I yell as oddly my phone ring

/puppychef is gone, they put her down./

I stopped my heart bursting as I ran out screaming the others looking in confusing then consern as Seamus,Hordan and Dan followed. Running as I got I. My car quickly tunin the engine on as the stopped Seamus yelling

"Sly what the fuck man?!" He asked asi backed away

I began to speed on the freeway my tears blocking everything as I felt aleks hands hold mines the first time I introduced him to the creatures, the time we would bunk at the house each time we would joke every hug...every time he had a blush on his face and smiled...all of it ruined cause I truly loved him...

Looking up a car was infront of me as I braced myself as his touch felt stronger.

"I love you Aleksander."

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