The Right Path

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"Crystal... Don't be so quick. You have a pretty nice sized bump on your head." Iroh's familiar voice soothed the ache along with the comforting touch still lingering on my head. Iroh's voice surprised and confused me: Why was I with Iroh?

"I've made some tea to help with the pain. You need to drink something..."

Opening my eyes slowly this time, I saw through blurred vision the dancing candlelight in the room. Blinking a few times to try and clear my sight, I slowly began to focus on the world around me. When I did, I saw Iroh kneeling beside me with a tray in his lap. On the tray was a cup of tea. The hand that had been brushing through my hair had pulled away, and I began to miss the calming touch.

"Iroh...?" My voice spoke softly. Everything was still hazy and felt like a dream, but I was aware that I was indeed not at the house in the Upper Ring. I'd passed out last night in Zuko's arms...

Sitting up slowly, I pressed my hand to my head pushing against my temple to try and soothe the pain. "How long have I..." I stopped though when realization hit me. I gasped as my heart gave a sharp thud.

"Appa!" I threw my hand down to the mat I was on, and tried to stand as my blood pounded through my ears. The movement was rash and in a panic disarray. "I have to-"

Iroh grabbed my arm to stop and keep me down, ordering over my distress, "Calm down, Crystal. You're in no condition to get up so quickly." His touch quickly brought me back to my senses. My heart slowed in its pace, and I relaxed my body once more. Sitting back down on the mat, I breathed in to try and calm myself. My head pulsed from my previous rapid movement, and I returned my hand to my temple wincing from the sharp ache in my skull.

The smell of jasmine tea filled my nostrils as I tried to dull the pain. Opening my eyes again slowly, I saw the cup held out to me.

"Drink, Crystal... I put some herbs inside to help with the pain."

Looking at the cup in Iroh's hand, I glanced over at the man I hadn't seen in so long. The last time I'd been with Iroh, he had been struck by Azula's lightning. He looked well though, and he also looked happy to see me. As I took in his earth kingdom clothing and his healthy complexion, I smiled weakly. Taking the cup from him with a shaky grip, I took a sip and immediately enjoyed the taste. Iroh's tea was always so calming and refreshing.

"Zuko... Go grab the wet rag on the table. There's still a bit of swelling."

At the name Zuko, I felt my heart skip a beat. Everything had been in such a blur, I'd regretfully forgotten the other presence in the room. I looked over to see his figure walk over to a small table against the wall and grab a rag from the bowl on its center. He turned then, and our eyes met for what felt like the first time in a month. Soft golden orbs met my gaze, and I felt my heart warm at the familiar sight. He smiled with relief when he saw I was finally calm and fully aware, and walked back over to me with the rag in his hand.

"You're still getting into trouble I see," he said softly. Kneeling beside me, he carefully placed the rag on the back of my head. I grimaced as soon as pain shot through my skull, but after a second the pain dulled. "Jumping into battles that aren't your own."

Looking at him with relief, I said softly, "Look who's talking... You're the one getting into sword fights with lunatics..."

He smiled at my words. "That guy was nothing... I was doing just fine..." He lowered the rag from my head, and brushed a strand of hair from my face. "You shouldn't be so rash all the time though. You could seriously get hurt..." His thumb pressed to my cheekbone and traced the outline of my scar.

Placing my cup down on the floorboard beside me, I turned suddenly and threw my arms around Zuko's neck. He caught me quickly and hugged me around the waist, holding me to him tight as if he were terrified to let me go again. I pressed my face into his shirt, taking in his warmth for what felt like the first time in years. I had missed him more than I realized. We'd only been separated for a few weeks, but it had felt like a lifetime.

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