Chapter Ten

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My name is Alexandra Reyes. I am twenty one years old. I am the daughter of an American ambassador in a European country, and am escorted by my fiancé, Mark Burgman.

I silently chanted my legend as we pulled in front of the mansion. Maybe mansion isn't the right word. It could be described as a palace.

I adjusted the brown wig on my head and twirled the fake engagement ring on my finger. Zach had a scowl on his face, clearly not happy that his mother had a chance of being there.

The rented limo came to a stop and Abby us ushered us out. "Eyes bright, chins up, smiles on," she ordered, mimicking Effie Trinket's Capitol accent spot-on. "I'm talking to you, Zachary."

Townsend face palmed. "Not again."

Zach rolled his eyes.

"I'm being serious," Aunt Abby warned, using a firm voice this time.

Zach uncrossed his arms and plastered a cheesy smile on his face.

"That's better," she nodded. "Remember, your job is just to scope out the place and alert us if he has anything to do with the rogue asset. Don't do anything that will blow your cover. If you see Catherine or anyone else that knows you well enough to blow your cover, we'll pull out and go back to the hotel. We'll be around the perimeter. Using the comms units, you can contact anyone if there's any trouble."


Walking into the palace was like walking into a fairy tale ball. I half expected to see Cinderella start dancing with Prince Charming. Young and old couples were swaying across the floor to the gentle music playing from a live band. Well, maybe band isn't the right word. Orchestra is.

Zach took my hand and placed his other on my shoulder and we started to waltz in circles. To an ordinary person, it may have looked to be just a young man dancing with his fiancé, but I knew that it was the gesture of a trained operative sweeping the floor for the target.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "There he is. Nikolaus Meyer. Our only lead. Possible he is the rogue asset who has been giving out government information."

Zach spun me around so I could see. Nicholas Meyer was walking our way. He made eye contact with me and smiled. I returned a small smile and Zach glowered and spun around again, facing Meyer. "Forty seven years old, German. Moved here for an unknown reason. Probably to give out government information more easily."

Meyer stopped when he reached us. "Mr. Burgman," he nodded at Zach. He took my hand and lightly kissed it. "Ms. Reyes. It is a pleasure to meet you both. I understand you two are taking a little vacation together before you marry."

"Yes, just a little honeymoon, I guess. There is no time after. My father wants me at an important meeting," I replied.

"Ah, yes. Your father. Tell me, how is he doing at the embassy in Russia? I've heard things haven't been going so well."

"My father is doing lovely, thank you."

"Very good," Meyer nodded and glanced over his shoulder at a woman waving at him. "I'm sorry, I have someone I need to greet. Enjoy the party." And with that, he spun around and left.

"That went well," Zach mumbled. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

I could see Meyer flirting with a young woman across the room. She was at least twenty five years younger than him. She kinda looked like Macey in disguise...

"At least we learned that he somehow has connections to an embassy in Russia." I rolled my eyes. "And a flirt."

"With my Gallagher Girl," Zach scowled.

I purposely stepped on his toe with my heel, "Stay in character, Mark." He winced in pain. "You're supposed to be charming and the man of my dreams."

"So what am I right now?"

"A pain in the butt."

Zach took my hand again. I scanned the room for Bex and Grant. I caught a glimpse of Grant chewing down on a crab crescent roll with Bex chattering by his side.

A crash and static filled my ear. My eyes went wide and I looked at Zach. He cringed as the static continued. The comms units in our ears. Something was going on with Liz and Jonas.

Liz and Jonas. A minute passed, and nothing had changed about the situation. Usually, disconnection continued for only a few seconds, unless we were underground. But we weren't anywhere that could interfere with the connection. If Liz and Jonas hadn't reset the system by now, something was definitely wrong.

I could hear my friends worried voices over the static. Aunt Abby was telling us to meet where we were dropped off.

I tried to contact our temporary base. "Liz? Can you hear me? Liz!" Nothing.

Zach took my arm and guided me out the large, wood and glass doors. I tried again. "Jonas! Liz! Say something! Please..."

Bex and Grant were already at our meeting place. Bex pulled me close to her. "It's okay. I'm sure it's just a new system that they're trying to figure out." She said the words more as a reassurance to herself than me. With Liz as our smallest friend, we all felt responsible when something happened to her.

Macey ran up pulling Preston with her just as Townsend and Aunt Abby arrived in the limo. How Macey can run in heels; I do not know. I tried once and nearly broke my ankle.

Aunt Abby thrust open the door and we crammed inside. "Is everyone okay?" she asked.

We all nodded. The static was driving me close to insanity, so I yanked the comms piece out of my ear.

"Talk about annoying. That Meyer guy was yakkin' my ear off," Macey complained, examining her ear piece. "Do we know if Liz and Jonas are okay?"

Aunt Abby solemnly shook her head. "Not a clue. Our best bet is to get back to the hotel as fast as the speed limit will allow. Of course, I'm kinda rules-optional."

The car accelerated as Townsend pulled onto the freeway.

Then I heard a shot ring out.

Just sayin' randomly, accelerated is one of my favorite words. Maybe it's just the combination of letters or how it rolls off my tongue? I don't know, I just felt like sharing that. Sometimes I can be pretty random.

Spy Between the Lines (formerly New World, Old Foe) [Gallagher Girls Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora