Part 1.

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(Gracie's POV)
I was standing in front on my locker, when someone grabbed my books, and pinned me up against the locker... it was Jack g.... all his friends laughed..
Gracie: J-Jack please leave me alone...
Jackg: No babygirl
Gracie: P-Please! Someone! Help me!
I screamed hoping someone would hear me.. but the halls where empty except me and the boy's... i was terrified... he grabbed my hamd's and pinned them above my head, so i couldn't move... his other hand, staryed rubbing on my thigh, and up my skirt... he started kissing my neck, and thrn sucking it... i started crying... i wanted him to stop... i begged him.. but he would only laugh, or hit me... after about 5 minutes, he finally let me go, and walked away and they where high fiving each other... i fell to the ground in a pool of tears... i put my head in my knees, and cried... then i heard a girl's voice say
Rebecca: Hey Hey are you ok?
I looked up, and saw a really pretty girl, with her nose periced.
Gracie: N-No Im Not...
Rebecca: Come here
She stood up, and held out her hands i grabbed on and got up, we walked to the bathroom, and she locked the door's behind us... she came and grabbed her backpack, and wiped away my running mascara, and eyeliner, she kept trying to calm me down, and i finally said somthing
Gracie: Im so over being bullied! I wan't a change...
Rebecca: Wait a makeover?
Gracie: Yeah
(And oh did i mention that when jack was doing that stuff he ripped my outfit...)
Rebecca: I can help!
        (She said with a huge smile)
She grabbed her phoneout of her back pocket, and texted someone.. a few minutes pass, and 8 other girls walked in, they came over to me, and said
Mal: Hi im Mal
Khelani: Im Khelani
Mackenzie: I'm Mackenzie :)
Alissa: Im Alissa, and btw your really pretty!
Victoria: Im Victoria! Or vic :)
Kendall: Hey im Kendall
Kat: And im Kat!
Gracie: Hi im Gracie, and thanks alissa!
Alissa: Ok well i have a bunch of clothes and makeup at my house! Wanna come with us?
Gracie: Sure:)
Rebecca grabbed a Jacket out of her backpack and handed it to me to put on since my outfits ripped, i slipped it on, and we walked out, Rebecca grabbed my hand and we walked to her car.
(Skip Drive cause im Lazy😴)
We pulled up to this huge house, we walked up, and walked inside. We walked into her room, and we raded her closet... i finally found some shorts, a black crop top, white knee high socks, she handed me hoop earrings, and mal and Victoria did my makeup, and Alissa and Kendall did my hair, i heard someone yell from downstairs
I looked at Mal confused, and she said
Mal: Our roommate's
I smiled, (and this was the finished product)

Mal: Ok girls! Me and Gracie will stay up here, anf wait for you to call us down and you go downstairs and get the guy's attention ok? All: OK! Mal: Are u ok with that Gracie? Gracie: Yah!! They all ran downstirs and all i heard was, Alissa: BOYS!...

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Mal: Ok girls! Me and Gracie will stay up here, anf wait for you to call us down and you go downstairs and get the guy's attention ok?
All: OK!
Mal: Are u ok with that Gracie?
Gracie: Yah!!
They all ran downstirs and all i heard was,
All: Ok!
Kendall: COME DOWN!
Me and Mal got up, and walked out of her room, and she said
Mal: Now im gonna go down and signal you down ok?
Gracie: Ok
She walked downstairs, and signaled me down and i walked downstairs... there i saw a group of boys sitting in the living room, i smiled and they all dropped there jaw's...
Gracie: Hey im Gracie
Kian: Hey im Kian
He gets up, and walks over to me, and winks, i could feel my cheeks heat up!
Jc: Your beautiful
Kian: No she is GORGEOUS! 😍😍🔥🔥
(I smiled, and then they all came and we talked.. we became really close)
Kian: Do tell us about you
Gracie: Well im bullied, abused...
Kian: Oh..
  (I could see the hurt in there eyes)
Kian: I know we all barely met.. but do u wanna live with us?
Gracie: Umm... i mean you all did help me... so YES i would love too!
Then Kian came up, and picked mw up and spun me around... i looked into his beautiful brown eyes.. and he did the same.. i slowly started slipping down towards his face... and our lips where cenameriters apart... he leaned in....

Hope you like this chapter!!!!!

What do u think happenes next?!

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