2k special 1/2?

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Thanks to those who read my book anyway back to the special!
~Y/n POV~
"EVAN!!~~~" I whine to Evan, "Yes? Babe?" "Can we go walk I'm board!" "Sure, come on..." we got up and left, we were walking enjoying the view a little cold not to bad... "ooo hey girl~" I random guy says walking by I told my eyes and just keep walking, "your not even going to say hi? Oo tough one hu?" "Um she's taken." Evan says while we stop walking "sorry but it looks like she doesn't fit with you" soon enough Evan punched this guy leaving him a black eye....

(My friend we did this so I decided to take it 😂)"Evan!!!" I yelled he kept punching him "EVAN STOP LETS GO!" I yelled he got off him "Don't touch or go near her again! Which I doubt you will see her" he said and we walked back home "Jeez Evan yo...

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(My friend we did this so I decided to take it 😂)
"Evan!!!" I yelled he kept punching him "EVAN STOP LETS GO!" I yelled he got off him "Don't touch or go near her again! Which I doubt you will see her" he said and we walked back home "Jeez Evan you need to calm your anger!" I said "Well sorry but I'm over protective and all plus I don't want some random douchebag to touch you or take you away from me!" Evan said, I laughed but something feels off..... I ignore it and continue with life....

~Few hours later~

~Y/n POV~

We were getting ready to go to bed... I feel like I'm being watched... I look around feeling uncomfortable, nothing.... i know I might be losing my mind but I don't know.... I head to bed with Evan and try going to sleep....

~??? POV~

Oh... don't worry Y/n I'll get you~ Your the perfect one... just have to wait a little then when the moment is right I'll get you....

~Next day~

~Evan POV~

I wake up and notice Y/n wasn't beside me, I get up and look around for her she isn't here.... what the fuck? I mean her phone is gone to but I'm not sure.... I call her

*Ring....... Ring*

*Picks up*

Evan- Y/n where are you?!

Y/n- I'm taking a walk calm down.... jeez *laugh*

Evan- well you should tell me or leave me a note not just disappear like that!

Y/n- Sorry I didn't think you would panic, plus I'll be home in a little bit....

Evan- Alright... be careful please...

Y/n- Yeah don't worry

*Hung up*

I sigh and take a quick shower while I wait for her to come home....

~??? POV~

Oooo looks like shes on her own... now is the time.... "BOYS LETS GO! IT'S TIME!" I yell to my partners they quickly get in the car and drive pass her I quickly get off and cover her mouth and grab her and pull her in the car.. (It's a normal car just easier to get in... you get me? no? Well i tried..) we take her to the place and tie her up... "Who the hell are you! And what do you want from me?!" She yelled, "I just want you... you seem like a good person to fuck with..." I said to her, "You fucker! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! I'M NOT A SLUT!" "Oh... are you sure about that? I know you don't love that guy let me see what's his name.... OH yeah Evan~" "H-How do you know him?!" she yelled, "Oh... lets just say I was his friend before he left me and met some other people and started hanging out with them more then me and we were childhood friends..." (Oh also this guy has a mask no not delirious.... haha but for real) "B-but that doesn't mean..." "I can hurt you? I can because I can take whatever I want" "Y-You don't have to do this if you want Evan back as a friend!" she said starting to cry, "Hey no I don't want you to cry your mine and mine only plus I don't care if Evan is my friend or not I will take what's his because you seem like my type and a slut!" I said "Plus I want to have some fun with you~"

~Evan POV~

I finish showering expecting Y/n to be home but she wasn't... I thought she said she would be on her way home fuck! Now I'm worried especially what happened yesterday... I call her

*Ring Ring*

*Pick up*

Evan- Y/n I thought-

???- well hello Evan...

Evan- who the hell are you?! And why do you have Y/n's Phone?!

???- Ow I thought you would remember me... but I guess not... but I have Y/n with me don't worry I'll treat her with care a lot~

Evan- Don't you fucking dare touch her you fucker!

???- Oh me? A fucker? I think you got it wrong... I think your talking about your girlfriend... she's a little slut!

Evan- No she is not!

???- Are you sure about that? Do you actually think she was taking a walk? NO! She was at another house probably getting fucked!

Evan- No your lying!

*Hung Up*

I hanged up not wanting to hear more plus who the fuck is that guy? he said I knew him but I don't remember... I have to tell the group...

BBS chat

Evan- Guys I need your help!!! It's important!

Craig- What?

Evan- Y/n got kidnap while I'm guessing on her way here and this random person says I know him but I don't remember because he gave me no clues

Tyler- well we will meet you at your place then

Evan- alright thanks guys!

Lui- yeah no problem...


I quickly got everything and waited for the crew goddamn who ever this guys is will pay,

~Time skipped~

They arrived and we were heading out way thanks to Craig he can hack Y/n phone to fine her which there at a 5 hour abandon building which I don't understand and I have a bad feeling once we get there she will probably be hurt or killed.... 
"eavvvbnn !"
"hu? What?"
"You zoomed out" Lui said "Oh sorry" "What's wrong..." Lui asked "Just thoughts going through my head..." "Well about what?" Lui asked, "Well what might happen to Y/n because the destination is so far! 5 hours!" I said, "Well, don't worry we are going to make it so there is no reason for worrying" Lui said comforting me "Thanks let's hope so... but... TYLER CAN YOU DRIVE FASTER YOUR DRIVING LIKE A FUCKING SLOW SNAIL!" I yell, while the others laughing "Jeez ok"he said speeding up "Its the fastest this fucking can goes! Why did we even bring a van when we could of split up!" Tyler complained, "I DONT KNOW!" I yelled "Why are you yelling?" Nogla asked, "I dunno" I shrug while laugh

Well there it is!!! First chapter of this 2k special thanks to all of you that read thus book! Anyway sorry for the Lack of updating just school and home I never get time to do things... my own things and my bsf is moving away which I'm fucking sad! Anyway I will see you in the next 2k special!



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