Chapter 2: Winston

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Ello loves. I hope you liked the last chapter. You guys should totally be proud of me. I published several chapters today. Anyhoo, on with the story.

Sixteen year old Winston Stewart was in his room playing Infamous when he got a troubling call from a friend of his. Fourteen year old Diona Jones.

"What's up, Dee?" He heard her sniffling meaning she was crying or her allergies were screwing with her.

"Are you ok?"

"No, my parents are fighting again so I'm with Simon in my room. Can you please come pick me up?"

Winston knew she hated when people fought and was glad her older brother was there with her.

"Sure thing kiddo, be there in five." He said.

Diona gave a small laugh.

"You know, your only two years older than me dorkas. I'll give you a snickered bar when you get here."

Not that Winston's complaining, but how does that girl always have candy?

"Be there in three. Later kiddo." He replied before hanging up.

After turning off his PS3, he left to go get his friend.

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