"Jane you wanted to know how to do this," Sam pulled her back infront of Dean

"Then tell me what to do," She looked back at Sam the knife shaking in her hand

"Fight back," Dean called from behind. Jane turned to see Dean running towards her and she toke a deep breath, everything slowed for a moment when Deans face changed colour and soon enough changed form. His beautiful face turned into a black disfigured creature and Jane froze screaming for moment making Dean Stop suddenly then was soon tackled to the ground by Jane's fists in his shoulders and the knife scratching his neck.

"ENOUGH," she yelled, eyes closed.

She slowly opened her eyes to see Dean face full of concern and noticed that she nicked his neck as a silt drip of blood fell from where the knife sat. She blinked for a moment taking in what just happened and fell to the ground next to dean throwing the knife over to the other side of the junk yard.

"Are you okay?" Dean didn't get up but turned to his side leaning of his elbow. Sam came running over as soon Dean hit the floor and was kneeling beside Jane.

"What the hell just happened?" both of the boys glanced at each other for a moment concern falling on their faces as they looked back at Jane who was shaking on the ground eyes staring at the sky.

"I-I'm f-fine," she choked out as she slowly stood to her feet followed by the boys watching her closely.

"Maybe we should take a break," Sam toke the knife from where it fell and put it back in the bag never taking his eyes of Jane.

"Jane what just happened?" Dean placed a hand on Jane shoulder and she jumped throwing her body high up in the air Dean toke a step back "Wow"

"I need to be alone," she turned and started to walk in the opposite direction towards to road

"Jane!" Sam called but she didn't stop instead she started to jog and soon enough she was running.

She ran so fast it felt like she was running from the hounds again and she soon enough felt tears flow from her eyes making her sight blur and her body stop in mid motion to fall to her knees as she had to catch her breath.

What is happening to me! She thought picturing the figured she saw infront of her that was surpost to be Dean. She clenched her chest trying to breathe as she slowly rose to her feet again leaning her palms on her knees bending over.

"Jane!" she heard Dean calling from behind his boots making crashed sounds as he ran over the empty cans of beer that had been deserted on the side of the road.

Did he run this whole way after me? She quickly whipped her tears from her face and turned to see him indeed running towards her, obviously not as fit as he should be.

"What's going on," he finally stood infront of her bending down as she was palms of knees trying to catch his breath

"I don't know," she was being honest

"Why did you just run off," he looked up at her and there it was again, that face she only ever saw him use the day at the park or when they were attacked, Jane decided to call it the Real Dean Glare, because she always felt like he let his guard down when he looked at her that way.

"I am going crazy," she looked down at her shoes that the boys at brought for her, she couldn't believe they had been so good to her in the only week and a half they have known her.

Dean said nothing looking confused obviously wanting her to explain what she meant.

"When you ran at me, before I tackled you, I hallucinated that...," her throat became dry, she didn't know how to explain what she saw.

"What? What did you see?"

"I saw a creature Dean, you were the creature, your face was dark and disturbing, it terrified me but I ran at you, I felt like that is what I needed to do, I wanted to kill you Dean," she felt the tears crawling but she closed her eyes and drew then back. "I needed to kill you Dean, in that moment when you werent you, I was going to kill you," she opened her eyes and Dean face was still and motion less for a time, making Jane feel even worse.

"Good," he said his face still emotionless

"Good? Dean I just told you I am having hallucinations and you think that's Good?" she remembered why she hated him

"Of course I don't think that's good, but you saw a terrifying creature and you went for it, you tackled me to the ground and you went for it," a smirk grew on his face "How about we go back to the car and tell Sammy about these hallucinations yeah?" he said moving to the side pulling out his hand to lead her back "We can only help you, if you let us Jane,"

Eventually they were back at the car. After Jane told everything to Sam he suggested they call Cas.

"Anything?" Sam asked pacing back and forth beside the car while Jane sat in the back her feet hanging out the open door

"Well he would be here wouldn't he," Dean's voice gruff and annoyed looking back at Jane with his Real Dean Glare again.

Jane looked up at him and knew she had to tell them "Umm guys,"

Sam shot a look to Jane terrified something else terrible had gone wrong "What?" he moved in closer as if he couldn't hear from where he was

"I think I might have had a memory last night,"

Sam and Dean glanced at each other and then back at Jane but reframed from smiling as Jane explained her nightmare coursing full and utter confused and concern to strike their faces.

Sam slowly sat down on an old car frame and keep him eyes on the ground and Dean stared at Jane.

"But It could have just been a nightmare, right?" those terrible feelings crushed her chest and fell to her stomach and she groaned as it slammed into her pull speed, her throat dried up and she knew I wasn't just a nightmare.

"We should go," Dean's voice scared Jane, It had never been this still and gruff before, this deep hard tone turn Jane's insides and she didn't argue as they got back into the car and headed to the nearest motel in the nearest town.

Although it was 5 before they were settled Jane went straight to bed letting the boys go out the bar for the night seeing as she thought they deserved a drink. It was no surprise that Sam came back alone that night, she guessed Dean was one of those types and for some reason it bothered her.

She didn't get any sleep that night but she pretended to sleep as Sam rang Bobby on his phone.


Hey yeah it's me,

Just finished off there,

Yeah we think we have found a case in Louisiana we are heading there tomorrow,

She's fine but Bobby, something's wrong," She felt Sam stare's from behind as he explained the nightmare to Bobby, she cringed thinking how crazy Bobby must think she is

"What do you think that means,

How could that even be possible,

We tried he hasn't answered,

Could you that would be great,

If you think of anything call us back would you,

Thanks Bobby,

Yeah we'll keep you posted,

She's too good for all this crap Bobby,

I know,

We will,

Alright we'll call you later Bobby, Bye,"

Sam was knocked out a few hours later and Jane was left awake finally giving herself sometime to think. who the hell am I?

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