13|The Finals 1/2|

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The morning sun rose up into the sky, breaking through the black, star printed curtains. Craig snuggled into Tweek's chest, groaning softly.

Tweek's breaths were calm and slow. He wrapped his arms around his sleeping friend and kept him close to his body. Craig's eyes slowly opened, the light gleaming into his eyes. A low groan escaped his throat.

He looked down at the sleeping blonde. He placed a soft kiss in his unkempt hair. Tweek shifted slightly and opened his eyes, connecting them into Craig's. "Rise and shine." Craig hummed. Tweek began chuckling softly. "Good morning."

Tweek looked down at his chest and noticed Craig's arms were around him. 'He's cuddling onto me he's so cute I just want to kiss him so bad!' He began blushing at the thought.

Craig yawned and sat up, stretching out his back. Tweek rolled off the bed, landing onto the carpeted surface. The raven haired boy gasped. "Are you alright." He got up to help his friend up off the ground.

He reached out his hand for Tweek to grab. the smaller boy gripped onto the offering hand, being pulled back up onto the soft surface of the bed. "Mission accomplished." Craig laughed. Tweek began chuckling along. "You saved me. thank you kind sir."

The two boys continued to laugh until their stomachs hurt. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in!" Craig shouted. The door opened, Ruby standing in the hallway. "Breakfast is ready." She said before rushing down the stairs.

Craig went to go follow her, He ran down the stairs, almost falling. Tweek sighed. "Today.. I meet that person at the tree."

"Tweek- you coming?"

Tweek's body stiffened at the sudden noise. "Yeah!" He said as he quickly walked down the stairs.

The aroma of eggs, bacon, and toast filled the kitchen. Ruby sat down at the table already eating. Craig was fixing his plate. His mom stood next to him getting out drinking glasses. A bottle of orange juice sat on the counter next to her.

She looked over at Tweek. "Good morning, Tweek." She greeted with a small smile. "Do you like orange juice?" Tweek nodded and got a plate, stacking food on the white glass.

Once he got all the food he wanted on his plate, he sat down next to Craig. A glass of orange juice was placed on the table. "Thank you." Tweek said as he began eating. Craig finished off a piece of bacon. "Where's dad?" Ruby asked. "He left for work early this morning."

While Ruby and her mother had their own conversation, Craig and Tweek started their own. "You excited for the finals?" Craig asked. Tweek nodded. "I'm very excited." The raven haired male smiled and took a sip of his orange juice.

Laura sat down. "So.. Any plans after finals?" She asked, taking a bite out of her eggs. "I'm not sure mom." Craig lied. He definitely had plans. His heart pounded hard in his chest.

Tweek shrugged. "I got a letter, somebody wants me to meet them at Starks Pond to confess their love. I'm nervous." He said. Craig put a hand on his shoulder. Already, the blonde felt ease. "It'll be alright. I bet they're as nervous as you are."

Craig was right. He was nervous as hell. He couldn't remember the last time the butterflies rested in his stomach. His stomach ached for them to come to a halt.

After breakfast was over, Craig took everyone's plates and put them in the sink. Tweek got up from his seat. "I'm gonna get dressed real quick. I'll meet you back here." He said as he went upstairs to get on some clean clothes. Craig, in the meantime, sat on the couch.

His mother sat down next to him. "Is there something bothering you honey?" She asked. Craig shook his head without saying a word. Her motherly instincts kicked in. "You seemed.. nervous about something. Are the finals stressing you out?"

You Are My Peach {Tweek X Craig}Where stories live. Discover now