4|Let The Competition Begin|

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The teams walked into the cafeteria. Each pair sitting at a different table. Silence consumed the huge cafeteria.

Five minutes pass and the host of the competition walked in. Stan's eyes went wide. "DAD?!" He shrieked. His dad, Randy was the host of the baking competition. "This can't end well.." He whispered, embarrassment hidden in his voice.

"Hey Stan!" He waved with a stupid grin on his face. Everyone in that room probably felt embarrassed for Stan.

"Alright! Welcome! Uh.. I expected more teams. Oh well this will work." He shrugged. " I will be hosting this competition!" Randy said. "For those that don't know my name is Randy.-"

Stan cut him off. "Dad! No! You can't be serious!" He banged his head on the table. Wendy put a hand on his back. "Calm down you're gonna hurt yourself!" She cried.

Two more people walked in the cafeteria, but they didn't look like competitors. Maybe judges. Both of them were students.

One of them had long red straight hair. She wore a purple jacket and had a flower necklace. Red was her name.

The other student had short blonde hair. He wore a blue jacket and had his right ear pierced. Leopold. Though, he prefers to be called Butters.

"These are our two judges." Randy acknowledged. "Please welcome Red and Butters."

The two took a bow. "Good luck guys." Butters beamed, fidgeting with his hands.

Randy began blabbering about the rules, boring the contestants. Tweek faked a yawn. "Dude.." He nudged Craig's arm lightly. "Do you think he'll ever shut up? He's almost more annoying than my dad's metaphors." He muttered.

Craig shrugged. "Hopefully soon."

Minutes that feel like hours of him rambling pass. "Before you all begin cooking, I want to tell you what I want you making."

"There's a theme?" Kenny tilted his head.

Randy walked into the kitchen, coming back with a metal tray. People started to whisper. "Today you'll be making.." He lifted up the lid. "Cupcakes!"

Tweek practically jumped out of his seat. "YES!" He cheered. The whole room was silent. All eyes were on Tweek. He felt his cheeks heat up and he covered his face.


Randy cleared his throat. "On the counter in the kitchen, there's some note cards with an assigned flavor. You must make that flavor and make it top notch."

The room was silent. Everybody was ready to rush into the kitchen. Randy pulled out a pan and a wooden spoon. "On your mark.. Get set... GET IN THE KITCHEN!" He screamed as he started banging the spoon on the metal pan.

Teams ran into the kitchen. Desperately trying to get a card.

Each card was a different color. Yellow, pink, blue, brown, and white. Each card had a  assigned flavor of cupcakes.

First group to get a card was Jenny and Lola. They picked up the blue card. Followed by Token and Clyde picking up the white card, Kyle and Kenny picking up the brown card, Stan and Wendy taking the yellow card.

One was left. The pink card was Tweek and Craig's. They flipped it over to reveal what kind of cupcake they had to create.

"Strawberry?!" Craig said in shock. "Is that even a real flavor?!"

Tweek nodded in response. "Don't worry. This isn't anything too hard to make. Just follow my lead and we'll make it past round one."

Tweek went and gathered the ingredients, along with some supplies. He started opening bags and bottles. "Here!" He handed him some unopened ingredients. "Start opening these and i'll measure out how much we need."

You Are My Peach {Tweek X Craig}Where stories live. Discover now