11. Last Day Of Happiness

Start from the beginning

"Is she for real?" Izzie asked with a grimace. "I want to be with Damon even if he did such things and suddenly she ignores you just because your brother killed some family, which is bad, of course, but still... I need to call her. I'm gonna whoop her ass."

Izzie reached for the phone but Holden grabbed it before she could. "How about we whoop asses before we hear their story, hm?" he smiled softly. "Maybe Elena's just tired and that's why she didn't call me. I'll call her later. Now... Izzie, would you like to have delicious breakfast?"

"Indeed I would," Izzie chuckled as Holden took her hand so she got out of the bed before putting on her robe. The two left her room and started walking to the kitchen when suddenly Damon, Jeremy and Matt appeared in the parlor.

Holden and Izzie both stopped as Damon glanced at the girl he left just because he didn't want to ruin her. Izzie avoided his face as Damon finally looked at Holden's annoyed face. "Katherine is dying, brother. Want a drink?" Damon asked with a smirk as Holden stared at him in shock at such news. 

HOLDEN HUNG UP AFTER A SHORT CONVERSATION WITH ELENA. He wanted to tell her that they brought Katherine back from the hospital and that her days were numbered. He wanted to feel excited about her death like Damon, but it just felt neutral. As if someone he didn't even know was dying.

Damon was pouring shots in the parlor to Matt and Jeremy when Holden approached them. "Elena's coming?" Damon asked sarcastically so Holden nodded his head. "Okay. Great... Rule number one: Name the worst thing Katherine Pierce has ever done. Rule number two: Toast to the glory of her impending death. Rule number three: If you come across something that's worse, which you will, repeat rules one and two. She pretended to be buried in a tomb for 145 years, while I waited for her lying ass."

Damon then picked up a shot and drank it. "Are you serious? That's what we are playing?" Holden questioned as everyone turned to look at him.

"The humans are on board," Damon shrugged before furrowing his eyebrows. "Wait... Does that beat your scenario, where she pretended to be Elena and you almost kissed her on the front porch of Elena's old house?"

Holden mused before shaking his head. "Yeah, I don't think so," Jeremy smiled at Holden as he handed Holden a shot so he drank it.

"Damn," Damon mused before turning to Matt as Holden was quite interested in the game. "Quarterback, go."

"Uh..." Matt thought of things but Damon was not keen on patience.

"Think on that," he suggested before passing one shot to Jeremy, who took it gladly. "Little Gilbert."

"She fed me to Silas and I died," Jeremy commented with a grumble as Holden chuckled so Jeremy took a shot. "Then, she made me crash my car into a pole and left me for dead... again."

"Double doozy, drink," Damon smirked so Jeremy took a shot.

Matt, who had been thinking, finally spoke. "My sister's dead because of her," he commented as Holden and Damon exchanged a look before Damon nodded his head.

"Yes she is... Because I wouldn't have even been in town to turn Vicki into a murderous vampire if I wasn't trying to get Katherine out of a tomb she wasn't in," Damon said then turned to Holden, who thought with a look on his face.

"First of all, she turned me into a vampire without my consent," he began so he took a shot. "Then because of my bloodlust I killed my fiancé Melanie... We three fought because of her. But yeah, she did ruin my life."

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