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"Yes, hello there baby," another voice came from behind me.

"Linkai," I said as someone else lifted the weight off my shoulder.

"Thanks Linong," I nodded.

"Um, what are all of you doing here?" I asked as Zhangjing appeared in my view.

"To help you get this kid home," Cheng Cheng rolled his eyes.

"You're acting as if you're much older than him," Zhangjing laughed.

"I'm a year older!" Cheng Cheng protested.

"Um, thanks guys, but we should go now. And oh, bonjour, Taeyong! Hope to see you again!" I sang as I grabbed Cheng Cheng's arm and dragged him away.

"Why did you even come here... and made yourself dress like that?" Ziyi muttered as he stared at my exposing outfit, after stopping when we were far enough from the club.

"Ah, cause of this dumbass," I pointed at Justin.

"Who decided to come to a club just cause of his jealousy," I whispered, so soft that only I could hear myself.

"Anyways, I wanna go home. Night," I sighed as I waved then off, getting onto my car.

Too bad though, I didn't see the one who I wanted to see the most.

The princess's stepsister; Lin Yanjun [✔]Where stories live. Discover now