Chapter 5: Memories and Meetings Collide

Start from the beginning

The walls were lined with child's art. Paintings, handprints spread out and even framed. He couldn't help but look at each one as he walked down the hall. It was warm in the school. "Amazing." He mumbled.

There was a clang from down the hall making him jump. He saw it was the janitor who was sweeping the hard floors. All at once Jack remembered why he was there. He walked down the hall again, this time quicker as he searched for Jamie's classroom. "One hundred seventeen. Where is it?" He had to stop and backtrack once. His eyes finally falling on the widely open door of the fifth grader's room.

Jack peeked into the empty classroom. His eyes scanned the quiet space watching as the woman from before collected the papers on the desk. She didn't acknowledge him in any way, so he walked in, standing in front of the door. She was intent on her work, cleaning the desks, smiling softly and putting away books the kids had forgotten about. He was quiet for a long time, leaning forward on his crook with a sigh. Jack cocked his head thoughtfully. "I thought for sure—"

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Guse looked up her eyes penetrating his like pure light.

Jack jumped back slamming into the classroom wall, and a picture hanging on the wall hit him square in the head. Stumbling away he rubbed his head only to trip over a small car and land square into the bookshelf. The shelf wasn't prepared for his weight, and it collapsed with books among other objects falling on top of him."Ow..." He mumbled from the under the pile.

He heard hurried footsteps then a giant stuffed bear was removed from his face revealing the concerned face of the teacher. "Are you okay?"

He stared for a moment, mouth agape as she stared down. "Ummm...I-I'm fine." She looked unconvinced, and he gave her a big toothy grin. Which he was sure didn't help the matter. Finally swallowing back his smile he attempted to push the stuff off of himself. "You just startled me that's all."

"Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard." She reached out, and at her touch, he hissed in pain. He could already feel a large lump forming where he had been hit by the picture.

"I better get you some ice."

"Oh, that won't be necessary!" Jack waved his hand then winced again grabbing it. He grimaced at the pain in his arm and the cuts on his palm.

The teacher had already gone behind her desk, pulling out ice packs and bandages as she did. "It isn't a problem, really. I always keep a first aid just in case a kid gets hurt." She looked up at him then looked down, "I hope you don't mind a Deadly Nadder on the band-aids. I am afraid I am used to more children than adults having accidents like this."

Jacks felt his ears warm, "I don't mind, and I didn't mean to... um, bother you."

She didn't respond, but walked over, forcing him to sit with a gentle push of her hand. Katherine pressed the ice to his head, telling him to hold it while she took care of his scraped hands. He listened, but only because she seemed intent on it. When she was done, she sat back and smiled. But it quickly dropped as she mumbled, "Haven't I seen you before?"

Jack rubbed his hand, remembering the day before with stark clarity, "I don't think so."

She narrowed her eyes at him and said, "I have! I ran into you in front of the school."

"Oh yeah."

"Aren't you a little old for elementary school?"

Jack tried to keep the embarrassing redness from his cheeks. "Um, I'm younger than I look."

"What are you doing here?"She pressed, walking to her desk.

Jack stood and followed her, "I was here to see Jamie Bennett."

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