Chapter 6

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Bill's P.O.V. 

I groaned as I woke up. My eyes flickered and blinked in the sudden light. My head was pounding and I was still very cold.

I looked at where I was. A rectangular window with stained glass patterns of circles and squares was above me. I think I was lying on a couch. I attempted to get up, but everything hurt, so I fell back down on the couch.

"Woah!" I heard someone say. " Oh thank god you're awake. I didn't want anyone to die here."

I looked at who was talking this guy was sitting in a chair, wearing a red coat, starting at me. But I recognized his face.

"F-Ford...?" I whispered.

His face turned straight as if I'd said a curse. He sat up.

"You know him?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I had to choose my words carefully. This guy clearly wasn't Ford. But he looked exactly like him. "Where is he...?"

The guy looked away. Clearly, I touched a nerve. "My brother is... umm... away..." he said.

We both stayed silent for a bit. I could only thing if where he was. Had Ford just left? Hopefully, he was as far away from here as possible.

But if he was away from here, he left his work. The Portal was still here. Had Ford turned it off? I needed to make sure.

"What about the Portal? Is it off?" I asked.

"How do you know about that?" He replied.

"We.. we worked on it together. Ford and I."

"You know how to fix it then, right?"

I stared. "Why would I need to fix it?" That's the last thing I wanted to do right now. I tried to get up but only managed to sit up.

"Umm... Something happened." He said. "Who are you anyways?"

"Bill Cipher," I responded.

"Stanley Pines." He stood up. "Well, I need to get food. I'm out of it." And with that, he left.

I sighed and looked around then finally got up. Why did he want me to fix the Portal? I wondered. I walked to the door that leads to the basement. I took the stairs to go down, but at the 3rd step, I fell.

"Aaaaghhh!! Shit!" I yelled. "Fuck!" I hissed in pain as I got up. Still not used to human bodies. They're so stupid. I mean, legs are just sticks that carry a blob of meat around.

I attempted to float. And it worked.

"Yes!" I cheered. Still had my powers, thank the stars. I floated to the elevator and went down.

The control room was a mess. Levers pushed every which way. The chair was on its side. A book was on the floor. I floated towards it.

I flipped it over and almost screamed. On the cover was a golden six fingered had with a number 1 on it. I instantly picked it up and started flicking through it. All if Ford's notes, well a 3rd of them, his research, his works.

I drop landed on the page I was looking at. I didn't realize I was crying.

Finally, I tucked Journal 1 in my vest pocket and floated to the Portal.

It was off. Most of the time I'd been here it was on. It was eerily quiet here, no lights, no movement, nothing. I stared up at the Portal. It looked over me like a giant beast. Oh, stars I miss my original form. I thought.

I floated to a wall and sat down against it. I took out Journal 1 and leafed through it again. This was the journal before he met me. Before I ruined his life.

After a while, I heard voices upstairs. Lots of them. I stood up, tucked the journal in my vest pocket, and floated up the stairs. I peeked around the corner.

A large group of people was there, facing me, but they didn't see me. Stanley was standing in front, with his back to me, talking to them. The people laughed and began to walk out the door. Once they were all gone, I floated quickly at him.

"What the hell was that?" I looked at his hand. It held a wad of money. "What the hell is that?

"Hey, someone's gotta pay my brother's mortgage." He shrugged.

"You never explained why you wanted to fix the Portal," I said, changing the subject. I had no idea what he was talking about, mortgage and some other shit. Human shit.

"Umm... Ford... He... He fell in..." Stanley didn't meet my eye.

No. That couldn't have happened. Sixer. Fell in the Portal... No. But how? Kryptos is going to kill him. He's gotta come back. I gotta find a way to bring him back. I gotta. Oh shiiiittt.

I grabbed my head and landed on the ground. "How? Why? What the... no." I couldn't even form a correct sentence. Tears started to form in my eye.

"Can you help me fix it?" Stanley asked again.


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