Chapter 3

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Bill's P.O.V.

In the Nightmare Realm, I sat on an asteroid, staring at nothing. It happened. He figured out. I couldn't take it.

"What. The hell. Was that back there?" Someone said behind me. I turned. Kryptos was floating there, anger on his face. More of the demons that I called my friends were behind him.

I stood up straight, making my size a bit bigger than his. "What do you mean?" I made an attempt to sound dignified.

"You fucking broke down a cried over a human? What the hell? Do you have feelings for that piece of flesh?" Kryptos yelled. "Your plan was to trick him into making the Portal and we take over his world. Not fall for the human and try to apologize!"

"I think he's going soft," Hectragon said.

"Yeah, going soft for a human!" Amorphous Shape said. They all started to talk over each other.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, blasting put a ring of blue fire.  "I don't know what you're talking about, but I am not going soft. The plan would have worked if I didn't run into some... completions..."

"Yeah like you falling in love," Keyhole yelled from the back of the crowd.

"He's not fit it lead us anymore," Pyronica said softly. "Darling, demons aren't supposed to have feelings. We don't have emotions."

"I say we get rid of him," Kryptos added. "We don't want him softening us, now do we?" All the others cheered.

"What?! No! You can't do that! I'm your leader! You can't kick me out! That's betrayal!" I yelled. All around, demons were closing in, getting ready to do whatever they wanted to do.

"You were our leader," Kryptos said. "But I think we need a change."

I heard the familiar whoosh of a portal opening up behind me. Sparks flickered around Kryptos' and Pyronica's fingers. They blasted out and I was pushed out the portal.

(A/N: If you're confused about who these monsters are, they are Bill's friends from Weirdmagedon. Just wanted to put that out there in case yah know. ~ Riv)

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