chapter 8: Catching Up

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Finn nodded. “I think it was Christmas, three years ago.” They'd said hello as they exited the Christmas midnight service. “How's the world of molecular biology?”

“It's good,” Rachel said but she sounded hesitant and uncertain. 

Finn raised an eyebrow. “That's not the response I expected from the eleven-year-old girl who announced she wanted to be the head of molecular biology at Harvard University when she grew up.

“I can't believe you remember that!” Rachel exclaimed. She shook her head at the memory. 

“It stuck in my mind. You were very precocious.”

Rachel laughed.

“Is it not what you expected?”

“No it is. And it's great, but, I’ve actually decided to go back to college. I’m starting med-school in the fall.”

“Oh!” Finn was shocked. The whole time he'd known Rachel in school, she'd had one goal in mind. “That's a surprise. What prompted that?”

“You, actually,” Rachel told him simply.

Finn was astounded. Before he could ask what she was talking about, the waiter came back with their coffee and Rachel's sandwich. 

By the time the waiter was gone, he'd found his voice again. “Can you explain your last comment?”

“I read your article every month,” Rachel said. 

“Um, really? I didn't think H.I.M was your type of publication.”

“It's not. But there's usually a copy lying around at work or somewhere. I always try to read it because I love your writing.”

“Really? Wow. Thank you.” Finn flushed at the thought of Rachel reading his articles.

“You know what I like best?” Rachel said. “Back in high school, you were always such an enigma. We were class mates for twelve years. We were lab partners for four years but I never felt like I got to know you. You were so mysterious. But now, thanks to the magazine, I feel like I’ve really got to know you. I wish... well, I wish I could have known you better in high school.”

“Me too,” Finn admitted. “But, um, back to you. How did I cause you to leave your dream job and go back to college?”

“Do you remember the article you wrote last year about what it's like to be homeless?”

Finn nodded.

“I thought it was incredible. You really brought it home to me what homeless people go through and it inspired me. I started doing some volunteer work, at a soup kitchen first. Then about six months ago I started doing hours in a women's refuge.” She shook her head sadly. “Oh my God. Well, you've seen real poverty and destitution, you can imagine what it's like... Do you still do volunteer work?”

Finn nodded. “Yes. Monday and Wednesday nights at the soup kitchen.”

Rachel smiled at him. “At first, I had a real sense of... fulfillment, I guess. But after a while, I started wanting to do more. Working in the lab felt clinical and detached. I wanted something that allowed more interaction with the people that I was trying to help.

“Then the company I worked for announced that they'd be outsourcing their lab-work to India so I’m being laid off. It was the kick I needed. So I applied to med-school. I’m hoping to specialize in a disease or illness, probably cancer, where my background in molecular biology will come into play and hopefully work towards a cure or a treatment from the medical side.”

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