Chapter 5

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                   The cultural festival was over and Ayumi had just finished her ghost story. Ms. Yui even helped her pull of an excellent scare. Everything was perfect until she went to reach for the paper doll in her bag. It wasn't there, she searched and searched but it seemed that she had forgotten to pack it this morning. It was a little disheartening since that meant they couldn't preform this with Mayu. 

         "Thank you guys for making today so much fun" Mayu smiled, she didn't want to leave but she didn't have a choice. She was going to walk home with Morishige one last time before she transferred. After she left Ayumi asked if she could walk home with Satoshi but,

      "Sorry Shinozaki, but I'm going to be walking home with Naomi and Shinohara" Satoshi then left with the two girls leaving Ayumi with just Yoshiki in the room. She loved Mochida but he loved Naomi and it frustrated her beyond belief.

    "You could walk home with me if you'd like Shinozaki" Yoshiki offered. He was surprised when she accepted his offer, reluctantly but she still accepted. The walk to Ayumi's house was uncomfortably quiet until a car came seemingly out of nowhere. Out of instinct Yoshiki grabbed Ayumi pulling her backwards, she was just centimeters away from having been hit by the car. Ayumi didn't know what to say, had it not been for Yoshiki she would have been dead by now. She turned to face him and give him a hug.

    "Thank you Kishinuma, you saved my life" Yoshiki was not expecting her to hug him, but he gladly accepted it.

     "Ah, no need to thank me" 

     The next day it seemed like all of her friends had  similar life threatening experiences on their walk home. It was all really strange, but at least they had all survived. This wasn't the end of the strange experiences however. During lunch a violent earthquake suddenly began shaking the whole school. Students huddled under their desk in fear. Yoshiki could see Ayumi under her desk in front of him, she looked terrified. He ignored his common sense and crawled over to her to wrap his arms around her. Usually she would smack him and yell at him. This time she let him hold her close, it made her feel safer. The earthquake didn't cease, in fact it got more aggressive and ceiling tiles began to fall smashing onto the desk below. It wasn't long before the floor gave way and many students, including Ayumi and Yoshiki fell to the floor below. Ayumi didn't feel any pain however. Yoshiki had broken her fall with his body, which sadly cost him his life. His neck had snapped from the fall. Ayumi couldn't believe the sight before her eyes. Not only was Yoshiki's body there but Seiko and Naomi's as well. They too had broken their necks from the fall.  

     Later that day Ayumi had learned that Mayu and Morishige had been crushing from the falling ceiling and died  from blood loss. Not only that but Ms. Yui had been decapitated from a fallen beam. It seemed that only her and Satoshi were the only survivors from their friend group. Ayumi felt sick to her stomach, why had this happened, why couldn't she have died right along with them? 

    The school had closed following the horrific deaths and massive damage. It was uncertain if it would ever open again. Satoshi had contacted Ayumi a few times but she never answered him. He spent a lot of time with Yuka lately afraid that he might lose her to some freak accident. he couldn't understand why his friends had to die. He had been so close with them and now her would never be able to talk with them again. That's when he received a horrible text message. Ayumi Shinozaki had killed herself...

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