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     The halls of Heavenly Host stood still as it awaited it's next victims, but nothing happened. Silence filled the school as it was now devoid of any new victims. Very few souls resided in the cursed halls of this dimension, somehow the curse that had brought in a steady flow of victims had fluctuated causing time to move backwards to before the Sachiko Ever After Charm had became a widespread phenomenon. It had been this fluctuation that caused Heavenly Host to suffer a severe collapse in spiritual energy. Most of the victims once trapped in its halls had been revived and now presided among the living as if nothing had ever happened. It wasn't unusual for the school to revert time, it was purely a source of amusement Sachiko had found out she could  bring old victims back to kill them in even more cruel and unusual ways than before. This time something had gone horribly wrong and an irreversible mistake had cost Sachiko many victims and even risked causing the charm to remain undiscovered for years, possibly centuries or even worse...never. 


 7 students of Kisaragi Academy sat around a candle as the class rep told a story they would never forget. Once she had finished she blew out the candle leaving the classroom in pure darkness. A few screams echoed around the classroom, the loudest being Satoshi Mochida's. He was the easiest to scare of the group, so it was uncommon to see his friends pull spooky pranks on him just to see him jump.

      "My my Mochida, was my story really that scary?" the class rep laughed, she enjoyed scaring her classmates. Ayumi Shinozaki's fascination with horror had given her quite a reputation amongst all of the second year classes. 

        "No! I was just startled by the candle going out! That's All!" Satoshi tried to defend himself.

        "Oh Naomi,  your darling Mochida is such a coward" Seiko Shinohara teased her best friend Naomi Nakashima. It was no secret that Naomi liked Satoshi, and if anyone didn't know, Seiko was sure to tell them. 

          "I am not!" 

          "Sure seems like it to me" Naomi laughed, followed by her fellow classmates.

         "And I though Shig was scared, Mochida sure had him beat there" Mayu Suzumoto teased looking up at Sakutaro Morishige. The two had a sort of close relationship, as close as anyone could get to Morishige anyway. Mayu was leaving soon, due to her father moving jobs. This was her last day here and her classmates decided to make the most of it. 

         "Man up Satoshi!" Yoshiki Kishinuma laughed giving Satoshi a hard slap on the back. The fu was interrupted by the assistant home room teacher Yui Shishido. She took one glance at the room and sighed.

          "Weren't you supposed to be cleaning? There's class tomorrow" Everyone in the room groaned, they didn't want today to be over already. 

         "Today is Suzumoto's last day and we just wanted to spend some more time with her" Ayumi stood up looking at Mayu, who looked like she was about to cry. 

         "I'm going to miss you all so much" She said before bursting into tears. 

         "We'll see each other again! We'll come visit you over the break!" Seiko smiled trying to cheer Mayu up. 

          "Mayu, please, stop crying. I want to see you smile" Morishige said pulling out his phone. Mayu gave him a small smile and pose for the picture, which was then joined by everyone else. 

           "Alright, it's getting very late so I want you all to head home, but be here extra early to help me get this room ready for class" Yui spoke with a slightly stern but calm voice. Everyone nodded and packed up their things. 

            "Ah, Shinozaki, it's pretty dark out there, would you like me to walk you home?" Yoshiki offered, hoping Ayumi would say yes. 

            "I appreciate the offer but I'm going to walk home with Suzumoto and Morishige" Ayumi smiled leaving the classroom with her friends. Shot down again, Yoshiki made his way home, alone. Naomi and Seiko walked with Satoshi before they parted ways. Seiko decided she was going to spend the night at Naomi's house....again. 

            They all made it home, against their fate they all lived to see another day, unaware of the fate they had been spared from....

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