We Sail Together

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Dany boarded the ship later than everyone, and they cast off nearly as soon as her feet hit the decks. The time it took to see that her handmaids and small council were comfortably suited for the journey robbed her of the chance to join everyone for the ships evening meal, and so she asked that Missandei bring her a portion to take in her rooms. Then Dany let the scribe go, demanding that she seek out the captain of the unsullied even for just this one night. Anything she needed she would provide for herself, Daenerys insisted, and it was such a rare occasion when she was totally alone that she rather enjoyed it. On this night, though, with the fog and chill in the air, she confined herself to her cabin to keep warm.

Alone in her cabin, she began to think of days past when the dragons were small and Ser Jorah was her only connection to her homeland. Of how restless she felt on the ship from Qarth to Astapor, and powerless in a way. Now she was in Westeros, consorting with great families, making truces with her rivals, and herself one of the strongest contenders around. There was talk of supporters seeking her out, of noble houses offering her shelter, and even of suitors who felt they were eligible for her. Strangely it all was beginning to feel as though she had no control, that she truly was powerless, and that any day the Night King would come for her other two.

Jon Snow was so central in her thoughts now, that she was glad for the isolation of her cabin where she could freely let her mind roam over the things that took place that day. It seemed every second they spent together was growing in intensity, and every word that passed between them could mean a million different things. There was such a wellspring of emotions tied into the man, that Dany had grown almost timid about it. Gods know she was not that way with Daario N'haris, but here in this land, she was unsure how to behave.

She'd long ago chosen to act as much like she supposed her mother might have, and to pursue the throne with a solemn heart. This meant that love and things like that, had to wait, and wait patiently. But it was easier when she'd first come to Dragonstone, before she'd met Jon Snow. If I were that girl I was before the curse, and before the trials, and before the fire... But no. These things were passed. She'd even told him that she would have no children, so that he might turn from her and look for another. Soon, once he thought about it, he would. He might.

But then she heard the knock on her cabin door.

It had come at a time when she was sparsely dressed and so she needed to throw a gown on fast. She did so, hooking and fastening as quickly as her fingers allowed. Worried at the hour, Dany pulled the heavy door open to find Jon alone on the other side. Surprised, she waited, perhaps for bad news. But the longer he stared, without words, the more it became evident there was another reason for so late a visit. Now it was up to her to let him in. So quickly was her own mind made, that she wasn't sure it was actually a choice. The door widened for him, and once inside, he shut it firmly.

For a long moment they regarded each other, face to face, breathing heavily and speaking with only their eyes. He does stare longingly at me, she swallowed slowly, Tyrion was right, how did I not notice before? Will he have the courage to do more than stare? As though hearing her, Jon closed the remaining the space between them and reached his hands up to her face. His fingers were cold and yet they burned her cheeks, and his brow which he pressed against hers, did the same.

Dany kissed first, eager for the burning sensation to grow, and he responded so hungrily that they were breathless when they stopped, and her lips tingled sharply. Even Jon seemed to feel it, and pulled back for a moment, a mirror of her confusion. Is it because it has been so long for me, or is something else at work? He ran his thumb along her mouth opening it until he brushed against her teeth. Then he kissed back, stronger than before, and with great attention. With that longing in his eyes still fresh in her mind, and a growing flutter in her lower stomach, she bit his bottom lip and Jon growled deep, took a handful of her hair and pulled gently. Her heart raced faster, her body was opening to him and now there was no stopping it.

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