Martinus : Charlene and I are just friends!

Marcus : I'm pretty sure friends don't do that but sure.

Martinus : ugh shut it! I don't know why I'm listening to you and your relationship advice anyway.

Marcus : em who's the one that's still got a girlfriend?!?!

Martinus : oh you did not just go there!

I pushed him as we laughed. Suddenly the door flung open revealing Dave. He looked very excited making me and everyone else in the room intrigued.

Dave : I have news!

Marcus and I stood up to listen..

Marcus : good or bad?

Dave : very good!

There was then an extremely long pause just to add effect.

Marcus : ugh hurry up.

He whispered to himself making me laugh.

Dave : are you ready for this?!?!?!

Everyone : YES!

Dave : this will be the best news you'll hear all year!

Lara : omg just flipping tell us!

She shouted across the room as heads turned in horror.

Lara : oh, my apologies. Didn't mean to be that loud.

Marcus burst out laughing beside me. I wanted to but managed to keep it in long enough to hear what he has to say.

Dave :'s been confirmed that you're making a song with THE Charlene Dudley!!!!!

Everyone cheered and clapped including me. He was right. This was probably the best news I'd had all year. I smiled as I turned to Marcus who was looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

Martinus : what?!?!

Marcus : nothhhingggg.

Martinus : this is gonna be so good Marcus! Can you believe it! We're gonna make a song with THE Charlene Dudley.

Marcus : why does everyone have to say 'the' before her name in a very enthusiastic voice. I want people to do that when they say my name. THE Marcus Gunnarsen!

I laughed, ashamed that this was my twin brother who was talking.


It was a Saturday now and about 2 days since we found out the news. Today was the day we were gonna start to record! We were currently in Warsaw, Poland in the studio waiting on Charlene to get here.

I still hadn't attempted to talk with Megan and it's now been a full 4 days since we last engaged. I miss her so much. I miss her laugh and her silly dance moves. I miss our little inside jokes and the way she gets nervous when I go on stage. I miss everything about her.

It's a weird feeling when you miss somebody but they're sitting just across the room. I never thought it was possible. But it is. And I hated it.

We were doing some vocal warm ups with Atle as we waited and videoing for the Youtube video at the same time. Marcus was being all weird with his noises as I messed about with the buttons.

Dave : come on, she's gonna be here soon and we need to be completely ready.

Dad joined in on the strange noises making Dave become increasingly angry. It was pretty funny to watch actually. He knew he couldn't shout at dad which made him more angry.

Suddenly we heard a car pull up outside.

Dave : She's here!

Everyone sorted them selves out as we all walked out the door to meet her. Megan stood up from her seat. Then we both decided to go through the door at the same time resulting in me doing an extremely awkward manoeuvre away, mumbling 'sorry' at the same time.

I didn't dare look up at her face but I swear I heard a chuckle coming from her mouth. I smiled as I walked through the door behind her.

🌍Love On Tour🌍 // Sequel to Love Never Dies // Marcus and Martinus story ❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now