‣ scene 18 [in for the long haul]

Start from the beginning

"I did see a few fur coats," Kiyotaka agreed. He was afraid to ask this question, but he did want to know. "Did you... Did you tell him? Your animal man."

Sonia frowned.

"That is what I wished to tell you. I did. I... confessed my romantic feelings to him a short while ago, and yet I met with him last night to explain that I could not see him anymore. I-I told him that I would gladly keep him by my side as a friend until all of this is over, and that we could continue to communicate in secrecy, but... he is having difficulty understanding. He cannot understand why I would marry someone that I do not love."

"I... can't really blame the man," Kiyotaka admitted. "Going from such an emotional high to such an emotional low so quickly is hard on anyone."

"I-I do not wish to cut my ties with him, but if he insists on making this even more difficult for me than it already is, I... I may have no choice."

"Don't say that! I'm sure that you can think of something to keep him at bay." Kiyotaka's heart hurt for her. The other man's anger was sensible, but it wasn't what Sonia needed right now. He sighed. "...We're actually doing this, aren't we?"

"I suppose so." She looked at Kiyotaka and seemed bothered by his glum expression. She sat up straighter. "If it is any consolation, I have a plan for the divorce!"

"...Already?!" Kiyotaka had to admit that he was intrigued. Sonia nodded proudly. There was an odd gleam in her eye.

"Yes. Here is the plan— we get married in a very lavish, grand ceremony. You are clearly stressed out by my demanding nature, as I want everything to be perfect. We move to a big house by the ocean, and within months, I begin to spend as if it is going out of style! I am a woefully selfish diva who wants nothing more than to spend all that you earn while keeping my fortune to myself. I spend your entire month's earnings on a tea party for myself and my friends, and then, you explode! You demand a divorce. And all of this occurs in only a year and six months!"

Sonia struck a dramatic pose. Kiyotaka felt like her eyes were literally sparkling. He stared at her, stunned, until he could form a response.

"That's... something straight out of a weekday drama." It was corny and a bit over-the-top, but it still told him that Sonia was willing to take all of the blame for the divorce. There was something noble in that.

"But of course!" Sonia agreed. "It is where I got the idea!"

Sonia hadn't struck Kiyotaka as the type to watch dramas, but she was a woman full of surprises. He still vividly remembered how shocked he'd been when she had casually mentioned her interest in the occult during their third fake date.

"That sounds like a plan, Sonia." He was suddenly reminded of his recent impulse decision. He stood up, and Sonia raised an eyebrow at him. "I've decided to allow myself some small rebellions, though! We'll both have to if we're going to pull this one off without dying of the stress. I—"

"Kiyotaka, aren't you gay?! Besides, I would not do such a vulgar thing while there is a party going on!"

"...What?" Kiyotaka paused halfway through trying to pull his pants down just enough to expose the tattoo. His face blanched when he realized what she was thinking. "Oh, God— that's not what I'm doing! I was just trying to... Just look, okay?!"

She studied him with a disapproving expression until he successfully exposed the emblem, and then she grinned and clapped her hands together. She, too, stood up, partly to get a better look at it.

"A tattoo! How delightful! I especially like the placement!" She winked. Kiyotaka blushed. It was a bit flirty-looking. "But why a diamond, if you do not mind my asking?"

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