Chapter Two

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Avery's POV:

I look at myself one more time in the full body mirror. Do I look okay?

I'm wearing a tight black dress that ends mid-thigh and shows off the curves I have, I put on silver pumps that i don't find very hard to walk in, my long dark brown hair is in loose curls almost down to my butt, and i went light on makeup with only mascara, lip gloss, and a teeny bit of eyeliner.

Abby walks in and gasps when she sees me and my outfit. She looks me up and down before she says, "Damn Avery, you clean up amazing!" I roll my eyes at her comment. I feel like a hooker wearing a dress this short, but Abby told me that there weren't going to be any guys at this party so it makes me feel a little better.

We get in her car and after a long 10 minute drive of Abby singing the words to the annoying songs that every radio station overplay, we arrive. The house is actually nicer than I expected, well on the outside that is. The door swings open and we are welcomed by a girl that looks Abby's age. She's a little taller than I am, and has golden colored hair with bright blue eyes, she's gorgeous and I immediately feel like an outcast between Abby and her friend.

"Hey Emma, this is my sister Avery. Avery, this is my best friend Emma Black." Abby introduces us and Emma smiles friendly at me, "Nice to finally meet you Avery, Abby has been so excited for you to finally move to Seattle. How do you like it here?"

"Well I just got here tonight, but so far I think it's beautiful here." I explain and Abby smiles before pulling me away and telling me to help set up the snacks and drinks, which is alcohol I might add.

"Abby I thought you told me that we were late." I say recalling that she did in fact make me rush because we were apparently running late.

"Well yeah I had to tell you that or else you would've took hours to get ready! You know how you are." She says and I shake my head in amusement because I'm actually the one who takes 20 minutes to get all done while she takes hours finding the perfect outfit.

In about half an hour, Abby tells me that this is everybody. She was right about there only being like 40 people, and I'm happy for that since those crowded, stuffy, drunken parties scare the living daylights out of me. I meet a few more of Abby's friends but they just seem to be glaring at me and pretending that it's so nice to meet me but the looks on their faces say otherwise. Is this how college girls act like all the time?

I find Emma in the kitchen and she waves when she sees me. I walk over to her and she hands me a shot.

"Oh no thanks, I don't drink." I say but she refuses.

"Oh come on Avery! It's just one drink, it's time to loosen up a little" she insists and shoves the shot back into my hand.

Oh well, what have I got to lose. Without second thought I gulp the shot in one motion and feel the burning sensation slide down my throat.

I look around, then look back at Emma, "Hey why are those girls looking at me like they wanna rip my head off?" I ask

She glances over at them and laughs, "They're just doing that because you're hotter than them, you don't need to worry about those girls Avery." She pauses and looks at me before continuing, "Avery I know a guy that you remind me so much of."

I ignore her last comment then look back at the girls before grabbing the bottle and filling my shot glass back up before taking two more.

"Okay unless you wanna be drunk off your ass I suggest you stop there." Emma tells me but I know ill be coming back for more later tonight.

I know I'm not drunk, but I feel better and those three shots boosted my confidence, nobody's messing with me tonight that's for sure.

I grab Emma's hand and shout over the loud music "Let's Dance!" she quickly nods her head and we both make our way to the dance floor.

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