Chapter 4

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Carissa POV

Today I helped my mother-in-law cook in the kitchen. Suddenly my husband's first wife came up to us

"Mother, let me help you cook"
"You better get back to your room! Mom does not need your help!"
I was surprised by my mother-in-law who was so cruel to Maria

"I'd better let Maria help us cook"
"You do not have to defend me to my mother!

"Maria! Take care of you! Do not be rude to my daughter-in-law!"

"Why do you have more to defend her than me!"

"You're a useless daughter-in-law! Can not give offspring to my son! So you better keep quiet!"

"Mother! Never mind a fight!"
I tried to break them up and all of a sudden Maria just walked away from us

"I hope you can fight her and grab Jake's affection so he immediately divorces Maria!"
I was very surprised to hear the words of my mother-in-law but I can not resist because thanks to her help I can pay off my family debt to the loan shark.

"Well if that's what you want!"
"Good! You are a very smart woman! No mistake I chose you to be my son's companion"
I just smiled and continued the cooking that had been delayed because of Maria's presence.

After cooking, I started to serve food at the dinner table. Suddenly Maria approached me and grabbed my hair until I grimaced in pain

"I'll never let you take Jake from me!"
"Take your hands off my hair!"
I tried to struggle but she grew stronger to grab my hair. Luckily there was my mother-in-law who came to rescue me from Maria's crime

"Take your hands off Carissa!"
Maria immediately took her hands off my hair and I ran to my mother-in-law

" Forgive me!"
"You're a disgraceful daughter-in-law! I'll report your deed to Jake so he'll divorce you immediately!"

"I beg you not to report to Jake, I promise not to hurt Carissa!"

"I do not believe you! You cunning woman who just wants my son's wealth is not like Carissa whose heart is kind and sincere love Jake!"

Suddenly Maria kneels in front of me and asks my forgiveness.

"Please forgive my mistake! I promise not to hurt you!"

"Well, I forgive you!"
I immediately woke Maria to her feet. Suddenly my mother-in-law snapped at Maria with her rude words

"Carissa! Do not forgive her! She is a double-faced woman and you do not believe her words!"

"Mother is so mean to me!"
Then Maria ran to her room. Then I tried to calm my mother-in-law so that her illness did not recur

"I'd better get the mother to rest, let me continue the cooking"
"Well, if you start hurting you, do not hesitate to call the mother!"
" OK!"
"Then you go into the room first!"
After dropping my mother into the room, I began to continue cooking. Suddenly Maria came up to me and started yelling at me

"I'm the lady in this house and soon I'll get rid of you from this house!"

"You just try to get rid of me! I'll report you to my mom and Jake to let them know what you did to me!"

"Oh! Now that little girl is starting to dare to fight me! I'll prove if I can get you out of Jake's life!"

"I'm never afraid of your threats! You're a miserable woman and can not make her own husband and mother-in-law happy!"

Suddenly Maria started to leave me and I was so relieved that I did not have to spend my energy fighting her

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